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15 Individuals Arrested on Federal Drug

        Trafficking and Firearms Charges

        CONCORD, N.H – Brian D. Boyle Spe-      • James Nesbitt, 42, Rochester, NH-  “This coordinated sweep serves notice
        cial Agent in Charge of the DEA’s New    conspiracy to possess with the in-  once again of law enforcement’s deter-
        England Division and United States Attor-  tent to distribute, and to distribute,  mination to disrupt the sale of fentanyl,
        ney Scott W. Murray announced today that   fentanyl and methamphetamine;  methamphetamine and other dangerous
        15  individuals  were  arrested  on  federal                              drugs in New Hampshire” said U.S. At-
        drug trafficking and firearm offenses. The   • Haley Hansler, 32, Rochester, NH-   torney  Murray.    “Drug  trafficking  has
        arrests are the culmination of a year-long   conspiracy  to  possess  with  the  in-  caused grave damage in Strafford Coun-
        investigation into drug trafficking in and   tent  to  distribute  and  to  distribute   ty  and  throughout  our  state.    Accord-
        around the Rochester, Farmington, Somer-  fentanyl and methamphetamine;   ingly, we will continue to work closely
        sworth, and Dover areas of New Hamp-    • William  McKay,  45,  Rochester,   with  our  law  enforcement  partners  to
        shire by the Drug Enforcement Adminis-   NH- conspiracy to possess with the   arrest and prosecute those responsible.
        tration (DEA) in coordination with federal,   intent to distribute and to distribute   In  order  to  keep  the  public  safe  from
        state and local authorities in New Hamp-  fentanyl and methamphetamine;   violent crime, we will also aggressive-
        shire and Maine.  The following individ-                                  ly target those who unlawfully possess
        uals were arrested and charged as follows:  • Angel Wilson, 33, Rochester, NH –  firearms.  These prosecutions are an ex-
                                                 possession of fentanyl with the in-  ample  of  how  federal,  state,  and  local
           • Thomas Blanchette, 42, Rochester,   tent to distribute;              law enforcement agencies can work to-
            NH  -  conspiracy  to  possess  with                                  gether to keep the Granite State safe.”
            the intent to distribute 40 grams or   • Stephanie  Joy,  42,  Rochester,  NH
            more of fentanyl;                    - conspiracy to possess with the in-  “The  U.S.  Postal  Inspection  Service,

           • Christopher Stearns, 46, Rochester,   tent to distribute 40 grams or more  along  with  our  federal  and  state  law
                                                                                  enforcement  partners,  are  committed
                                                 of fentanyl;
            NH    -  conspiracy  to  possess  with                                to providing the resources necessary to
            the intent to distribute 40 grams or   • Joshua  George,  37,  Somersworth,  combat drug trafficking in our commu-
            more of fentanyl;                    NH    -  conspiracy  to  possess  with  nities,” said U.S. Postal Inspection Ser-
                                                 the intent to distribute, and to dis-  vice’s  Inspector  in  Charge,  Joseph  W.
           • Amy  Patch,  37,  Rochester,  NH  -   tribute, fentanyl; and
            conspiracy  to  possess  with  the  in-                               Cronin of the Boston Division. “These
            tent to distribute 40 grams or more   • Dean  Smoronk,  57,  Farmington,   arrests should send a clear message that
            of fentanyl;                         NH – possession of a firearm by a   drugs, firearms, and violence will not be
                                                 prohibited person and possession of   tolerated.    Fentanyl,  and  other  highly
           • Nicholas Barton, 34, Rochester, NH   a stolen firearm.               addictive  drugs,  are  destroying  fami-
            - conspiracy to possess with the in-                                  lies across the country. U.S. Postal In-
            tent to distribute 40 grams or more  Most of the defendants were arrested on   spection Service will continue to work
            of fentanyl;                     Thursday, December 20, 2018, and ap-  diligently to rid the U.S. Mail of illegal
                                             peared in court that day.  Joshua George   drugs and their proceeds.”
           • Randy  Stevens,  28,  Farmington,   first appeared in federal court on Nov.
            NH  -  conspiracy  to  possess  with   9, 2018.                       These  cases  were  investigated  by  the
            the intent to distribute 40 grams or                                  DEA’s  Tactical  Diversion  Squad;  the
            more of fentanyl;                “The  arrests  today  reflect  DEA’s   New Hampshire State Police; the Unit-
                                             strong  commitment  to  bring  to  jus-  ed States Postal Inspection Service; the
           • Kyle  Forest,  25,  Rochester,  NH-   tice  those  who  distribute  these  dan-  United  States  Marshals  Service;  the
            conspiracy  to  possess  with  the  in-  gerous  drugs  to  our  citizens,”  said   Strafford County Drug Task Force; the
            tent to distribute 40 grams or more   DEA  Special Agent  in  Charge  Brian   Maine State Police; and the Dover (NH)
            of fentanyl;                     D. Boyle.  “As we all know, drug traf-  Police Department.
           • Derek  Rand,  30,  Farmington,  NH,    ficking, along with the gun and phys-  15 Individuals arrested on federal drug
            - conspiracy to possess with the in-  ical violence that often accompanies   trafficking  and  firearms  charges.  (2018,
            tent to distribute, and to distribute,   it, ravages the very foundation of our   December  18).  Retrieved  January  22,
            fentanyl;                        families  and  communities.    This  in-  2019, from
                                             vestigation demonstrates the strength   leases/2018/12/20/15-individuals-ar-
           • Sasha  Rand,  33,  Farmington,  NH   and continued commitment of our lo-  rested-federal-drug-trafficking-and-fire-
            - conspiracy to possess with the in-  cal, state and federal law enforcement  arms-charges
            tent  to  distribute  and  to  distribute  partners.”

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