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Methamphetamine Seizures Rise in DEA’s

        Omaha Division

                                                                                             amphetamine  sampled
                                                                                             through  the  DEA  pro-
                                                                                             filing  program  averag-
                                                                                             es  96.9  percent  purity
                                                                                             while prices remain low
                                                                                             and stable.

                                                                                             or  meth,  is  a  crystal-
                                                                                             ized  powdery-like  sub-
                                                                                             stance.  Crystal  meth
                                                                                             typically     resembles
                                                                                             fragments  of  glass  and
                                                                                             can  sometimes  have  a
                                                                                             colored  tint.  The  drug
                                                                                             can    be   swallowed,
                                                                                             smoked,  snorted  or  in-
                                                                                             jected  and  has  potent
                                                                                             central  nervous  system
                                                                                             stimulant    properties.
                                                                                             High doses of meth may
                                                                                             result  in  death  from
                                                                                             stroke,  heart  attack  or
                                                                                             multiple organ problems
                                                                                             caused by overheating.
                                                                                             “Meth is a highly addic-
                                                                                             tive  drug,”  Thimmesch
        The DEA Minneapolis-St. Paul District Office conducted                               said.  “It’s  coming  into
        controlled delivery of 152 pounds of meth leading to six                             the country at alarming
                                                                                             rates  and  the  West  and
        arrests.                                                                             Midwest  regions  of  the
                                                                                             country  are  being  hit
                                                                                             hardest. That being said,
        OMAHA, Neb., – As the nation rec-    “Meth  is  becoming  more  and  more  the DEA is working countless hours
        ognizes National Methamphetamine  accessible  across  the  area,”  Act-   alongside our law enforcement part-
        Awareness Day today, the Drug En-    ing  Special  Agent  in  Charge  Darin  ners to help take meth off the streets
        forcement Administration’s  Omaha  Thimmesch  said.  “We’ve  seen  an  and out of our communities.”
        Division announces that it has seen  increase  in  meth  in  the  Midwest  as
        a  three  percent  increase  in  meth-  prices continue to go down and puri-  For  more  information  on  metham-
        amphetamine  seizures  in  one  year.  ty levels increase.”               phetamine  view  the  2018  National
        The division, which includes Iowa,                                        Drug Threat Assessment or call your
        Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dako-     With  domestic  methamphetamine  local DEA office.
        ta and South Dakota, registered 817   production at its lowest levels since   Methamphetamine  seizures  rise  in
        pounds of seized methamphetamine     2000,  Mexican  transnational  crim-  DEA’s Omaha Division. (2018, Novem-
        in 2017 and collected 842.6 pounds   inal  organizations  have  become  the   ber  30).  Retrieved  January  22,  2019,
        in conjunction with state and local   primary  producer  and  supplier  of   from
        law  enforcement  investigations  in   low  cost,  high  purity  methamphet-  es/2018/11/30/methamphetamine-sei-
        2018.                                amine.  The  2018  National  Drug  zures-rise-deas-omaha-division
                                             Threat Assessment notes that meth-

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