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Table of Contents

                                                                                      HOW TO PROPERLY DISPOSE
                                                                                      OF YOUR UNUSED MEDICINES
        3        Message from the Editor                                         Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue, leading to potential accidental
                                                                                 poisoning, misuse, and overdose. Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives and protects the environment.
        4        15 Individuals Arrested on Federal Drug Trafficking and   If no disposal instructions are given on the prescription
                                                                                 Drug Disposal Guidelines
                                                                                 drug labeling and no prescription drug take-back
                                                                                 program is available in your area, then follow these
                 Firearms Charges                                                simple steps to throw the drugs in the household trash:
                                                                                 1. Remove the medicine from its original container and
                                                                                  mix it with an undesirable substance, such as used
                                                                                  coffee grounds or kitty litter.
                                                                                 2. Place the mixture in a sealable bag, empty bag, or
        5        Methamphetamine Seizures Rise in DEA’s Omaha                     other container to prevent medicine from leaking
                                                                                  or breaking out of a garbage bag.
                                                                                 Visit the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA)
                                                                                 website ( or call (800) 882-9539
                 Division                                                        for more information and to find an authorized collection   Additional Tips
                                                                                 in your community. The site also provides valuable
                                                                                 information about DEA’s National Take-Back Initiative.
                                                                                                   Scratch out all identifying information on the prescription
                                                                                                   drug to make it unreadable. This will help to protect your
        6        How to Properly Dispose of Your Unused Medicine                 Resources         identity and the privacy of your personal health information.
                                                                                 For more information on preventing prescription
                                                                                                   You must not share your prescription drugs –
                                                                                                   they were prescribed to you.
                                                                                 drug misuse, go to the following websites:
                                                                             Can I Flush Medicine
        7        Why D.A.R.E. - The Most Comprehensive Drug                  Down the Sink or Toilet?
                                                                                                  If the abovementioned disposal options are not readily
                                                                                 For more information on the safe disposal of
                                                                                 pharmaceuticals, go to the following websites:  available, one option is to flush the medicines down the
                                                                                                  sink or toilet as soon as they are no longer needed. Some
                                                                                 Environmental Protection Agency
                 Prevention Curricula in the World                                   How to Dispose of Medicines Properly  communities may prohibit this practice out of concern over
                                                                                                  the trace levels of drug residues found in rivers, lakes, and
                                                                                                  community drinking water supplies.
                                                                                 Food and Drug Administration
                                                                                     Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know  Do not flush medicines down the sink or toilet unless
                                                                                                  the prescription drug labeling or patient information that
        10       More Than Four Pounds of Fentanyl Lead To Prison                    How to Dispose of Unused Medicines  accompanied the medicine specifically instructs you to do so.
                                                                                                  Please also ensure you are compliant with your community’s
                                                                                                  laws and regulations prior to taking such action.
                                                                                 Sources: Environmental Protection Agency, How to Dispose of Medicines Properly, 2011: Food and Drug Administration, Disposal of Unused  3 / 2018
                                                                                 Medicines: What You Should Know, 2017.
                 For Two Men
        10       Portland Nurse Charged With Drug Trafficking
        12       Multiple Sentences Imposed in Massive Synthetic
                 Narcotics Distribution Network                                                            7
        13       Trafficker Indicted For Transporting Heroin Inside
                 Car Battery
        14       Transnational Drug Trafficker Sentenced To 25 Years For
                 Conspiracy To Distribute Fentanyl, Heroin,
                 Methamphetamine, and Cocaine and For
                 Money Laundering
        15       Prescriptions for Disaster - How Teens Misuse Medicine            28
        28       Memorial Section - Officer Deaths
        30       Memorial Section - K9 Deaths
        31       Wanted Fugitives
        PUBLISHER                    OFFICE ADDRESS:
        Fund Phase LLC               Narcotic Officers Magazine
        (877) 232-0745               1660 S. Alma School Rd., Ste. 212       Mesa, AZ 85210

         The publisher does not assume responsibility for the contents of this magazine or for the statements of fact or opinion made by any advertiser.
         NOTICE COPYRIGHT OWNERSHIP: © 2018 Fund Phase LLC. U.S.A. All rights reserved. All content is subject to intellectual property rights,
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