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• The  rigorous,  scientific  evaluations  of  Comprehensive Coverage     State Training Centers and six Internation-
         the  keepin’  it  REAL  curriculum  for  stu-                            al D.A.R.E. Training Centers that arrange
         dents  in  grades  6-9  show  students  com-  D.A.R.E.’s curricula are effective, impact-  for DOTs (D.A.R.E. Officer Training). The
         pleting the course experienced a:   ful,  and  developmentally  age-specific  for   D.A.R.E.  Training  and  Curriculum  Com-
                                             all grades, preK-2, 3rd and 4th grade, El-  mittee, consisting of officers with extensive
        • 32% to 44% reduction in marijuana, to-  ementary,  Middle,  and  High  School,  and   experience delivering curricula, oversee the
         bacco, and alcohol use              include supplemental enhancement lessons   entire training process. Additionally, every
                                             (prescription  and  over-the-counter  drug
        • 29% to 34% decrease in intent to accept   abuse,  internet  safety,  bullying  and  role   four  years,  each  D.A.R.E.  training  center
         substances                          models).                             undergoes a rigorous accreditation process.
                                                                                  Merrill et al. (2006) said: “The only nation-
        • Reduction and cessation in substance use   Comprehensive System of Advisory   al delivery system for drug abuse preven-
         among those already using           Boards                               tion in the United States that comes closest
        D.A.R.E. is the Bridge to            D.A.R.E. has always sought oversight for   to an ideal model is Drug Abuse Resistance
                                                                                  Education or D.A.R.E. Essential to under-
        Building Trust and Positive          its  activities  with  experts  from  various   standing how important D.A.R.E. is to the
        Community-Police Relations           fields and has four longstanding advisory   field of prevention is recognizing…the de-
                                             boards:  Scientific  Advisory  Board,  Edu-  livery system itself, made up of thousands
        According to the U.S. Department of Jus-  cation Advisory Board, Law Enforcement   of trained local law enforcement officer-in-
        tice,  “The  D.A.R.E.  program…offers  stu-  Advisory  Board,  and  Youth  Advocacy   structors.”
        dents the opportunity to gain a trustworthy  Board.
        adult  friend,  develop  a  positive  attitude                            In contrast, the length of training for most
        toward law enforcement personnel, and ac-  Robust Training System         other prevention programs is only 2-3 days
        quire greater respect for the law.”  The  key  to  effective  delivery  of  school-  and is usually offered only to existing class-
                                                                                  room teachers. Further, these programs of-
        Why D.A.R.E. is Unique               based,  curriculum-driven  prevention  pro-  fer neither a nationwide training system for
                                             gramming  is  a  comprehensive  “system”
        and Set Apart from Other             dedicated to training those who will deliver   instructors nor a rigorous process to ensure
        Curricula                            the  curricula.  D.A.R.E.  has  22  Regional/  that training centers are accredited.

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