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More Than Four Pounds of Fentanyl Lead

        To Prison For Two Men

        OKLAHOMA CITY –  Jose Avigail Gri-   possessing cocaine with intent to distribute.   U.S.  District  Judge  Joe  Heaton  sentenced
        jalva, 26, of Tucson, Arizona, and Raymend  After testing revealed the presence of fentan-  Grijalva to 120 months in prison, to be fol-
        Lee Scott, Jr., 39, of Roswell, Georgia, have  yl, the grand jury returned a two-count super-  lowed  by  five  years  of  supervised  release.
        been sentenced to ten and seven years respec-  seding indictment on June 20, 2017.  Today Judge Heaton sentenced Scott to sev-
        tively for trafficking in fentanyl and cocaine,                           en years in prison and three years of super-
        announced Special Agent in Charge Clyde E.   Fentanyl  is  a  powerful  synthetic  opioid   vised release.  Both have been in state or fed-
        Shelley, Jr. of the Drug Enforcement Admin-  typically  prescribed  in  amounts  less  than  a   eral custody since their arrest in April 2017.
        istration and Robert J. Troester of the U.S.   milligram.  The National Institute on Drug   This case is the result of an investigation by
        Attorney’s Office.                   Abuse reported in August 2018 that synthetic   the  Drug  Enforcement  Administration  and
                                             opioids  other  than  methadone—a  category   the  Oklahoma  Highway  Patrol,  with  assis-
        According  to  court  documents,  the  Okla-  dominated by fentanyl—were responsible for   tance from the District Attorney for Caddo,
        homa Highway Patrol stopped Grijalva and  more than 29,000 of approximately 72,000   Grady, Jefferson, and Stephens Counties.  It
        Scott for a traffic violation on Interstate 40 in  overdose deaths in the United States in 2017.    was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys
        western Oklahoma on April 10, 2017.  A drug  According  to  the  Drug  Enforcement  Ad-  David McCrary and Jacquelyn M. Hutzell.
        dog  alerted  to  the  back  bumper.    Troopers  ministration, 4.5 pounds of fentanyl, if pure,
        found 4.5 pounds of fentanyl and more than  could kill as many as one million people.  Reference is made to court filings for further
        seven pounds of cocaine in the spare tire.                                information.
                                             Grijalva pleaded guilty to possession of con-
        The next day, the District Attorney for Cad-  trolled  substances  with  intent  to  distribute  More than four pounds of fentanyl lead to
        do County charged Grijalva and Scott with  on Nov. 21, 2017.  On Feb. 27, 2018, Scott  prison for two men. (2018, November 7). Re-
        aggravated drug trafficking.  A federal grand  pleaded guilty to a superseding information  trieved January 22, 2019, from https://www.
        jury indicted the pair on May 18, 2017, on  that  charged  him  with  conspiring  to  traffic
        one  count  of  conspiracy  and  one  count  of  fentanyl and cocaine. On Sept. 6, 2018, Chief  four-pounds-fentanyl-lead-prison-two-men

        Portland Nurse Charged With

        Drug Trafficking

        PORTLAND, Ore.  –  On  Nov.  29,  from  Vancouver  to  Portland  with  This case was investigated by U.S.
        2018, Rene Elene Griffin Nunn, 59,  approximately  93  grams  of  heroin  Drug Enforcement Administration.
        of Vancouver, Washington, made an  in her purse. According to informa-
        initial  appearance  in  federal  court  tion presented at the hearing, she is   An  indictment  is  only  an  accusa-
        before  U.S.  Magistrate  Judge  Jolie  a registered nurse employed at Ad-  tion of a crime, and a defendant is
        A. Russo.                            ventist Medical Center in Portland.  presumed innocent unless and until
                                                                                  proven guilty.
        A  one-count  indictment  alleges  Nunn was released pending trial. A
        Nunn  conspired  to  possess  with  three-day jury trial is scheduled for   Portland  nurse  charged  with  drug
        intent  to  distribute  controlled  sub-  Jan.  29,  2019,  before  U.S.  District   trafficking.  (2018,  December  3).
        stances. The indictment also alleges  Court  Judge  Marco  A.  Hernandez.   Retrieved  January  22,  2019,  from
        that,  between  September  2017  and  If  convicted,  Nunn  faces  a  maxi-
        January  2018,  Nunn  communicat-    mum sentence of 20 years in prison,   es/2018/12/03/portland-nurse-
        ed  with  others  about  the  price  and  a  $1  million  fine  and  a  mandatory   charged-drug-trafficking
        quantity  of  methamphetamine  and  minimum three-year term of super-
        heroin, and in February 2018, drove  vised release.

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