Page 22 - The Playbook
P. 22


                                HVAC       HVAC        Gutter     Power      Gutter &     Chimney
                                Service   Service     Cleaning   Washing      Dryer       Cleaning
                               (one per   (three per   (substitute   (one per   Cleaning   (one per
                                 year)      year)     dryer if no   year)     (one per     year)
                                                       gutters)                year)






                   •  HVAC Service (included but not                 •  Gutter Cleaning
                       limited to):                                            Remove necessary debris

                            Replace all filters (one 1”                        from gutters
                              poly filter included)                            Improves curb appeal
                            Test thermostat operation                         Prevents roof damage
                            Clean indoor/outdoor coil                          caused by overflowing
                            Vacuum drain lines                                 gutters
                            Test electric heat                      •  Dryer Cleaning
                            Test defrost coils                                Ensures maximum efficiency
                            Adjust gas pressure & pilot                        of unit
                            Test for carbon monoxide                          Reduces risk of fire hazard
                            Inspect flue pipe                                 Lower utility bills for tenants
                            Perform leak search on                  •  Power Washing
                              heating equipment gas lines                      Improves curb appeal
                   •  Benefits of HVAC Service                                 Eliminates build up of
                            Lower utility bill                                 mildew and moss which
                            No extra charge for                                cause deterioration of siding
                              emergency calls                        •  Chimney Cleaning
                            Achieve maximum                                   Eliminates build-up of soot
                              equipment lifespan                               Reduces risk of fire hazard
                            15% off repairs                                   Maximizes heat and
                            5-year parts and labor                             efficiency of fireplace
                              warranty on all repairs and

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