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             Validity and Effect                                  terminated without cause, you agree to release us from all liability from
             Our proposal is valid for thirty days.  Should you ask us to begin work   the work we performed.
             before executing an agreement; you agree that the proposed terms are   Asbestos and Hazardous Wastes
             the contract in force between us, subject to amendment when our   We do not perform services related to the identification, containment or
             agreement is executed.                               removal of asbestos or hazardous waste, including pollutants, nor will
             Client Responsibilities                              we assume liability for any damages or costs related to these materials
             You agree to provide complete information about the site and/or building   existing in buildings, property or construction products.
             and legal, accounting, insurance counseling and additional specialty   Insurance
             consultant services as may be required. We shall be entitled to rely   We carry various forms of industry insurance including Workers’
             upon and shall have no responsibility to verify the accuracy and   Compensation, Professional Liability and Standard General Liability
             completeness of such services and information.       Insurance.  An insurance certificate is available upon request.  To the
             Statements                                           extent damages are covered by property insurance, we agree to waive
             You will receive a statement every month for services performed during  all rights against each other and against the contractors, consultants,
             the previous month.  Payment is due upon receipt.  Interest will be   agents and employees of the other for damages, except such rights as
             payable after 60 days at the maximum rate allowed by law.  We reserve   they may have to the proceeds of insurance.
             the right to suspend work without breach of contract if your account is   Successors and Assigns
             past due and to charge you for all costs incurred by us, including legal   You and we agree, respectively, to bind ourselves, our successors, and
             fees, if we take action to collect the account.  All payments are to be   our assigns to the terms of the Agreement.  Neither party may assign
             made in US dollars.                                  this agreement without the approval of the other.  Notwithstanding, we
             Project Expenses                                     may assign this agreement to a Corgan Associates, Inc. controlled entity
             Project expenses such as, but not limited to, photocopies, reproduction,   or affiliate.
             prints, long distance communications, travel, delivery, photography,   Standard of Care
             outside consultants, renderings, models, and any additional insurance   In performing our services, we will use that degree of care and skill
             that you request will be billed at our standard rates or at our actual   ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by competent members
             expense times 1.10. You also agree to reimburse us at our cost for any   of the design profession practicing in this locality.  Further, some
             sales tax which may be assessed for our professional services.  changes and adjustments in the project will be required in order to
             Change of Scope                                      correct errors or omissions in construction documents and should be
             Fees are subject to equitable adjustment if the agreed scope is changed.   anticipated in your construction budget contingency.
             Construction Phase Services                          Limitation of Liability
             Any and all construction administration services will be furnished   The total aggregate liability of the Architect/Interior Designer, including
             consistent with the terms and conditions of AIA Document B152, most   its subconsultants, will not be greater than two times (2X) the total
             current version, Construction Phase Services article. TO THE EXTENT   amount of our fee for professional services for claims against the
             YOU DO NOT RETAIN CORGAN TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION     Architect/Interior Designer related to the project and services rendered
             ADMINISTRATION SERVICES, YOU AGREE, TO THE EXTENT    or failed to render including, but not limited to, professional errors or
             PERMITTED BY LAW, TO RELEASE CORGAN AND ITS          omissions within the normal standard of care, negligence, strict liability,
             SUBCONSULTANTS FROM ANY LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS OR      breach of contract or warranty.
             DAMAGES ARISING DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THE   Waiver of Consequential Damages
             PROJECT.                                             To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither the Owner, the
             Additional Services                                  Architect/Interior Designer, or their respective officers, directors,
             These are services beyond those agreed to, including among others,   partners, employees, contractors or subconsultants shall be liable to the
             our revisions due to your adjustments in the project scope, quality, or   other or any third-party beneficiary claiming under the Agreement; or
             budget.  Additional Services will be billed at standard rates.   We can   shall make any claim for any incidental, indirect or consequential
             also provide, at your authorization and cost, graphic and signage   damages arising out of or connected in any way to the Project or this
             design, fine art consultation, and specialized computer-produced   Agreement.
             designs, presentations, imaging, etc.                No Fiduciary Responsibility of the Architect to the Owner
             Dispute Resolution                                   The provisions of this agreement constitute the complete responsibilities
             All claims and disputes relating to our services will first be addressed   and define the relationship of the Owner and Architect/Interior Designer;
             through non-binding mediation prior to pursuit of formal claims or   moreover, nothing herein establishes a fiduciary responsibility of the
             litigation.  A mediator that is mutually acceptable to both parties will be   Architect/Interior Designer to the Owner.
             selected.                                            Force Majeure
             Change Orders                                        In the event that either party is prevented from performing or is unable to
             We will review construction change orders for your approval, if these are   perform any of its obligations under this Agreement (other than a
             among the services in our scope of work.  Some reasonable extent of   payment obligation) due to any act of God, acts or decrees of
             change orders resulting from field conditions and unanticipated causes   governmental or military bodies, fire, casualty, flood, earthquake, war,
             are normal and should be anticipated by contingency in your   strike, lockout, pandemic or epidemic, destruction of facilities, riot,
             construction budget.                                 insurrection,  or any other events or circumstances not within the
             Use of Architect’s/Interior Designer’s Drawings      reasonable control of the party affected, whether similar or dissimilar to
                                                                  any of the foregoing (collectively, a “Force Majeure”), and if such party
             Our drawings and specifications are instruments of service solely with  shall have used its commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate its
             respect to this project.  As author, we retain copyright, common law, and   effects, such party shall give prompt written notice to the other party, its
             statutory rights.  You may retain copies for reference, but you may not   performance shall be excused, and the time for the performance shall
             use these on other projects or to complete this project without our   be extended for the period of delay or inability to perform due to such
             express written permission.                          occurrences.
             Termination and Suspension                           Statement of Jurisdiction
             The Agreement may be terminated by either of us upon 7 days’ written   The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners has jurisdiction over
             notice for either cause or convenience. In the event of termination or   complaints regarding the professional practices of persons registered as
             project suspension, you agree to pay us for services and project   architects or interior designers in Texas.  The Board may be contacted:
             expenses then due.  If you suspend the project for more than 3 months,   P.O. Box 12337, Austin, Texas 78711-2337 or 333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-
             we reserve the right to re-negotiate the balance of our fee to reflect   350, Austin, Texas 78701-3942, Phone: (512) 305-9000; or,
             current personnel and project restart costs.  Should our services be
             Corgan Associates, Inc.
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