Page 591 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 591

c13marketstructureandcompetition.qxd  7/30/10  10:44 AM  Page 565

                                                                                    PROBLEMS                    565
                      from these stores typically live outside of town. Often,  f ) What is the Bertrand equilibrium price in this market?
                      they will purchase from a store in the town closest to  g) What are the Cournot equilibrium quantities and in-
                      them, but if farmers learn through word of mouth that   dustry price when one firm has a marginal cost of 100 but
                      a feed retailer in a more distant town is selling feed   the other firm has a marginal cost of 90?
                      at a lower price, they will sometimes go to that store to
                      obtain feed.                                    13.6.  Zack and Andon compete in the peanut market.
                        The countrywide market shares of the largest feed  Zack is very efficient at producing nuts, with a low
                      stores in Outer Baldonia are shown in the following  marginal cost  c Z   1; Andon, however, has a constant
                      table:                                          marginal cost c A   10. If the market demand for nuts is
                                                                      P   100   Q, find the Cournot equilibrium price and the
                         Firm                        Market Share     quantity and profit level for each competitor.
                         Ben’s Feed and Supplies        2%            13.7.  Let’s consider a market in which two firms com-
                         Joe’s Hog and Cattle Supply    1%            pete as quantity setters, and the market demand curve is
                         Hogwarts                       1%            given by Q   4000   40P. Firm 1 has a constant marginal
                         Dave’s Livestock and Tools     0.50%         cost equal to MC 1   20, while Firm 2 has a constant mar-
                         Ron’s Supply Shed              0.25%         ginal cost equal to MC 2   40.
                         Eddie’s Feed Coop              0.25%         a) Find each firm’s reaction function.
                      a) What is the 4CR concentration ratio for the livestock  b) Find the Cournot equilibrium quantities and the
                      feed store market in Outer Baldonia?            Cournot equilibrium price.
                      b) What is the HHI for this industry?           13.8.  In a homogeneous products duopoly, each firm
                      c) Of the market structures described in Table 13.1,  has a marginal cost curve MC   10   Q i , i   1, 2. The
                      which one best describes the livestock feed market in  market demand curve is P   50   Q, where Q   Q 1   Q 2 .
                      Outer Baldonia?                                 a) What are the Cournot equilibrium quantities and
                      13.4.  In the following, let the market demand curve be  price in this market?
                      P   70   2Q, and assume all sellers can produce at a  b) What would be the equilibrium price in this market if
                      constant marginal cost of c   10, with zero fixed costs.  the two firms acted as a profit-maximizing cartel?
                      a) If the market is perfectly competitive, what is the  c) What would be the equilibrium price in this market if
                      equilibrium price and quantity?                 firms acted as price-taking firms?
                      b) If the market is controlled by a monopolist, what is  13.9.  Suppose that demand for cruise ship vacations is
                      the equilibrium price and quantity? How much profit  given by P   1200   5Q, where Q is the total number of
                      does the monopolist earn?
                                                                      passengers when the market price is P.
                      c) Now suppose that Amy and Beau compete as Cournot  a) The market initially consists of only three sellers,
                      duopolists. What is the Cournot equilibrium price?  Alpha Travel, Beta Worldwide, and Chi Cruiseline. Each
                      What is total market output, and how much profit does  seller has the same marginal cost of $300 per passenger.
                      each seller earn?
                                                                      Find the symmetric Cournot equilibrium price and output
                      13.5.  A homogeneous products duopoly faces a   for each seller.
                      market demand function given by P   300   3Q, where   b) Now suppose that Beta Worldwide and Chi
                      Q   Q 1   Q 2 . Both firms have a constant marginal cost  Cruiseline announce their intention to merge into a single
                      MC   100.                                       firm. They claim that their merger will allow them to
                      a) What is Firm 1’s profit-maximizing quantity, given  achieve cost savings so that their marginal cost is less
                      that Firm 2 produces an output of 50 units per year?  than $300 per passenger. Supposing that the merged
                      What is Firm 1’s profit-maximizing quantity when Firm  firm, BetaChi, has a marginal cost of  c   $300, while
                      2 produces 20 units per year?                   Alpha Travel’s marginal cost remains at $300, for what
                      b) Derive the equation of each firm’s reaction curve and  values of  c would the merger raise consumer surplus
                      then graph these curves.                        relative to part (a)?
                      c) What is the Cournot equilibrium quantity per firm  13.10.  A homogeneous products oligopoly consists of
                      and price in this market?                       four firms, each of which has a constant marginal cost
                      d) What would the equilibrium price in this market be if  MC   5. The market demand curve is given by P   15   Q.
                      it were perfectly competitive?                  a) What are the Cournot equilibrium quantities and
                      e) What would the equilibrium price in this market be if  price? Assuming that each firm has zero fixed costs, what
                      the two firms colluded to set the monopoly price?  is the profit earned by each firm in equilibrium?
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