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c14gametheoryandstrategicbehavior.qxd  8/6/10  8:22 AM  Page 574

                  574                   CHAPTER 14   GAME THEORY AND STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR
                                        TABLE 14.1   Capacity Expansion Game between Toyota and Honda*

                                                                        Build a New Plant  Do Not Build

                                                        Build a New Plant    16, 16         20, 15
                                                        Do Not Build         15, 20         18, 18
                                        *Payoffs are in millions of dollars.

                                        THE NASH EQUILIBRIUM
                                        Game theory seeks to answer the question: What is the likely outcome of a game? To iden-
                  Nash equilibrium  A   tify “likely outcomes” of games, game theorists use the concept of a Nash equilibrium.
                  situation in which each  At a Nash equilibrium, each player chooses a strategy that gives it the highest payoff, given
                  player in a game chooses  the strategies of the other players in the game. This is the same idea that we used in
                  the strategy that yields   Chapter 13 to define a Cournot equilibrium (in a quantity-setting oligopoly) and a
                  the highest payoff, given  Bertrand equilibrium (in a price-setting oligopoly). In fact, both of these equilibria are
                  the strategies chosen by
                  the other players.    particular examples of the Nash equilibrium.
                                           In this game, the Nash equilibrium strategy for each firm is “build a new plant.”
                                         • Given that Toyota builds a new plant, Honda’s best response is also to build a
                                           new plant: It gets a profit of $16 million if it builds but only $15 million if it
                                           does not build. (Note: For the “row” player Honda, we compare payoffs between
                                           the two rows.)
                                         • Given that Honda builds a new plant, Toyota’s best response is to build: It gets a
                                           profit of $16 million if it builds versus the $15 million it gets if it doesn’t expand
                                           its capacity. (Note: For the “column” player Toyota, we compare payoffs between
                                           the two columns.)

                                           Why does the Nash equilibrium represent a plausible outcome of a game? Probably
                                        its most compelling property is that the Nash equilibrium outcome is self-enforcing. If
                                        each party expects the other party to choose its Nash equilibrium strategy, then both par-
                                        ties will, in fact, choose their Nash equilibrium strategies. At the Nash equilibrium, then,
                                        expectation equals outcome—expected behavior and actual behavior converge. This
                                        would not be true at non–Nash equilibrium outcomes, as the game in Table 14.1 illus-
                                        trates. If Toyota (perhaps foolishly) expects Honda not to build a new plant but builds a
                                        new plant of its own, then Honda—pursuing its own self-interest—would confound
                                        Toyota’s expectations, build a new plant, and make Toyota worse off than it expected to be.

                                        THE PRISONERS’ DILEMMA
                                        The capacity-expansion game between Toyota and Honda illustrates a noteworthy as-
                                        pect of a Nash equilibrium. The Nash equilibrium does not necessarily correspond to
                                        the outcome that maximizes the aggregate profit of the players. Toyota and Honda
                  prisoners’ dilemma    would be collectively better off by not building new plants. However, the rational pur-
                  A game situation in which  suit of self-interest leads each party to take an action that is ultimately detrimental to
                  there is a tension between  their collective interest.
                  the collective interest of
                  all of the players and the  This conflict between collective interest and self-interest is often referred to
                  self-interest of individual  as the prisoners’ dilemma. The game in Table 14.1, as well as both the Cournot
                  players.              quantity-setting and Bertrand price-setting models from Chapter 13, are particular
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