Page 603 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 603

c14gametheoryandstrategicbehavior.qxd  8/6/10  11:56 AM  Page 577

                                                       14.1 THE CONCEPT OF NASH EQUILIBRIUM                     577
                         It is interesting to see how Marutti might figure out which strategy to choose in this
                      game. If it envisions this payoff matrix, it should realize that while it does not have a dom-
                      inant strategy, Ambassador does (“build”). Thus, Marutti should reason that Ambassador
                      will choose this dominant strategy, and given this, Marutti should choose “do not build.”
                      The Nash equilibrium is a natural outcome of this game because Marutti’s executives—
                      putting themselves “inside the mind” of their rival—figure that their rival will choose its
                      dominant strategy, which then pins down what Marutti should do. Seeing the value of
                      placing yourself inside the mind of rival players in the game—seeing the world from their
                      perspective, not yours—is one of the most valuable lessons of game theory. Barry Nalebuff
                      and Adam Brandenberger call this allocentric reasoning, which should be contrasted with
                      egocentric reasoning, which views the world exclusively from one’s own perspective. 8
                      Dominated Strategies
                      The opposite of a dominant strategy is a dominated strategy. A strategy is dominated  dominated strategy
                      when the player has another strategy that gives it a higher payoff no matter what the other  A strategy such that the
                      player does. In Table 14.1, with just two strategies for each player, if one strategy is dom-  player has another strategy
                      inant then the other must be dominated. However, with more than two strategies avail-  that gives a higher payoff
                      able to each player, a player might have dominated strategies but no dominant strategy.  no matter what the other
                                                                                                player does.
                         Identifying dominated strategies can sometimes help us deduce the Nash equilib-
                      rium in a game where neither player has a dominant strategy. To illustrate, let’s return
                      to the Honda–Toyota game, but now let’s suppose that each firm has three strategies:
                      Do not build, build a small plant, or build a large plant. Table 14.4 shows the payoffs
                      from each of these strategies.
                         Neither player in this game has a dominant strategy, and with three strategies
                      rather than two, the task of finding a Nash equilibrium seems rather daunting. But no-
                      tice that for each player “build large” is a dominated strategy: No matter what Toyota
                      does, Honda is always better off by choosing “build small” rather than “build large.”
                      Similarly, no matter what Honda does, Toyota is always better off choosing “build
                      small” rather than “build large.” If each player thinks about the payoffs of the other—
                      that is, if each employs allocentric reasoning—each should conclude that its rival will
                      not choose “build large.” If each player assumes that the other will not choose “build
                      large” (and rules out choosing “build large” itself ), then the 3   3 game in Table 14.4
                      reduces to the 2   2 game in Table 14.5, which is the same game as in Table 14.1. In
                      this reduced game, each player now has a dominant strategy: “build small.” By elimi-
                      nating a dominated strategy, we were able to find a dominant strategy for each player
                      that, in turn, enabled us to find the Nash equilibrium in the full game: for each firm
                      to build a small plant. (You can, by the way, verify this directly from Table 14.4: If ei-
                      ther firm chooses “build small,” the other firm’s best response is also “build small.”)
                      TABLE 14.4  Modified Capacity Expansion Game between Toyota and Honda*

                                                   Build Large  Build Small  Do Not Build

                                       Build Large    0, 0      12, 8       18, 9
                                Honda   Build Small   8, 12     16, 16      20, 15
                                       Do Not Build   9, 18     15, 20      18, 18

                      *Payoffs are in millions of dollars.
                      8 B. J. Nalebuff and A. M. Brandenberger, Coopetition (New York: Currency Doubleday, 1996).
                      9 This is the same logic that we employed in Chapter 13 when we argued that the Cournot equilibrium
                      was the natural outcome of the one-shot quantity game between Samsung and LG.
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