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                  582                   CHAPTER 14   GAME THEORY AND STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR

                             LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE 14.2
                    E  D
                             Finding All of the Nash Equilibria in a Game
                             Problem   What are the Nash equilibria   Step 3: Recall that at a Nash equilibrium every player
                  in the game in Table 14.10?                      chooses a strategy that gives it the highest payoff, given
                                                                   the strategies chosen by the other players in the game. In
                  Solution   Generally speaking, the first step in finding  Table 14.10a, this occurs in cells with both a circle and
                  the Nash equilibria in a game should be to identify dom-  a square. Thus, in this game, we have two Nash equilibria,
                  inant or dominated strategies and attempt to simplify the  one where Player 1 chooses strategy  A and Player 2
                  game, as we did in Learning-By-Doing Exercise 14.1.  chooses strategy E, and another where Player 1 chooses
                  But in this game, neither player has a dominant strategy  strategy C and Player 2 chooses strategy D.
                  or any dominated strategies. (You should verify this be-  The procedure we just used—first identifying Player
                  fore going further.) Thus, we cannot use this approach.  1’s best responses to each of Player 2’s strategies, then
                      Instead, to find all the Nash equilibria in this game,  identifying Player 2’s best responses to each of Player 1’s
                  we proceed in three steps.                       strategies, then seeing where those best responses occur
                      Step 1: Find Player 1’s best response to each of the  together—is a surefire way to identify all the Nash equi-
                  three possible strategies of Player 2. These are the strate-  libria in a game.
                  gies indicated by the circled payoffs in Table 14.10a.
                      Step 2: Find Player 2’s best response to each of the  Similar Problems:  14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6,
                  three possible strategies of Player 1. These are the  14.7, 14.8, 14.9, 14.22, 14.23, 14.24
                  strategies indicated by the boxed payoffs in Table 14.10a.

                                        TABLE 14.10   What Are the Nash Equilibria?
                                                                                 Player 2
                                                                      Strategy   D  Strategy  E   Strategy  F
                                                           Strategy  A   4, 2      13, 6     1, 3
                                                    Player 1   Strategy   B   3, 10  0, 0    15, 2
                                                           Strategy   C   12, 14   4, 11     5, 4

                                        TABLE 14.10a    Player 1’s and Player 2’s Best Responses

                                                                                 Player 2
                                                                      Strategy   D  Strategy  E   Strategy  F
                                                           Strategy  A   4, 2     13 , 6     1, 3
                                                    Player 1   Strategy   B   3, 10  0, 0    15 , 2
                                                           Strategy   C   12 , 14  4, 11     5, 4

                                        MIXED STRATEGIES
                                        In July 1999, the United States and the Chinese women’s soccer teams fought to a
                                        0–0 tie in the final match of the Women’s World Cup. To decide the match, play-
                                        ers on each team alternated in shooting penalty kicks, and the match eventually
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