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                  628                   CHAPTER 15   RISK AND INFORMATION

                    FIGURE 15.10   Decision
                                                                        Reservoir is large  Oil company's payoff (millions)
                    Tree for Oil Company’s
                                                                        (probability = 0.5)
                    Facility Size Decision             Build large                     $50
                    At decision node A, the com-       facility
                    pany has two choices—build                     B    Reservoir is small
                    a large facility or build a small                   (probability = 0.5)  $10
                    facility. At chance nodes B
                    and C, the company faces lot-
                    teries with two possible out-  A
                    comes (the reservoir is large                      Reservoir is large
                    or the reservoir is small, each                    (probability = 0.5)
                    with a probability of 0.50).       Build small                     $30
                    The company’s payoff (i.e., its    facility    C   Reservoir is small
                    profit) depends on its decision                    (probability = 0.5)
                    at node A and the actual                                           $20

                                         • Chance nodes. A chance node, represented by ~ in the tree drawing, indicates a
                                           particular lottery that the decision maker faces. Each branch from a chance
                                           node corresponds to a possible outcome of the lottery.
                                         • Probabilities. Each possible outcome has a probability. The sum of the probabili-
                                           ties of all possible outcomes from a chance node must add up to 1.
                                         • Payoffs. Each branch at the right-hand end of the tree has a payoff associated
                                           with it. The payoff is the value of the result from each possible combination of
                                           choices and risky outcomes. If the decision maker is risk neutral, payoffs are
                                           monetary values. If the decision maker is risk averse or risk loving, payoffs are
                                           the utilities associated with the monetary values of the payoffs.

                                           Now let’s apply these concepts to the oil company’s decision tree in Figure 15.10.
                                        First, let’s assume that the company is risk neutral, so the payoffs represent monetary
                                        values (i.e., the company’s actual profit at each outcome). 11  Decision node A repre-
                                        sents the company’s facility size decision, with the two possible choices shown on the
                                        branches extending from the decision node (“build large facility” and “build small
                                        facility”). Chance nodes B and C represent the lotteries the company faces depending
                                        on its decision at node  A. Each lottery has two possible outcomes, shown on the
                                        branches extending from the chance nodes (“reservoir is large” and “reservoir is
                                        small”), and the probability of each outcome is 0.50. The company’s profit depends on
                                        the decision made at node A and the actual outcome of the corresponding lottery.
                                        That is, if the company decides at node A to build a large facility, profit will be either
                                        $50 million (if the reservoir is large) or $10 million (if the reservoir is small); if the
                                        company decides at node A to build a small facility, profit will be either $30 million
                                        (if the reservoir is large) or $20 million (if the reservoir is small).
                                           To choose its optimal plan of action, the oil company would begin by calculating the
                                        expected value of each lottery 12  and then choose the decision at node A that leads to the
                                        lottery with the higher expected value. Thus, the company would evaluate the tree by
                                        working backward, from right to left. This is called folding the tree back and is identical to
                                        the process of backward induction that we used to analyze game trees in Chapter 14.

                                        11 If we had assumed that the firm was risk averse, we would need to specify a utility function for the firm
                                        and evaluate the utility of the profit of each outcome.
                                        12 If the firm were risk averse, it would evaluate the expected utility of the payoffs using the firm’s utility
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