Page 669 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 669

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                                                                            CHAPTER SUMMARY                     643

                      CHAPTER SUMMAR Y

                      • A lottery is any event whose outcome is uncertain.  can take two forms: moral hazard (insured people may,
                      We describe this uncertainty by assigning a probability  unbeknownst to the insurance company, behave in ways
                      to each possible outcome of the lottery. These probabil-  that increase risk) and adverse selection (an increase in
                      ities are each between zero and one, and the probabili-  insurance premiums may, unbeknownst to the insurance
                      ties of all possible outcomes add up to one.    company, increase the overall riskiness of the pool of in-
                                                                      sured people).
                      • Some probabilities are objective, resulting from laws
                      of nature (such as the 0.50 probability that a coin will  • A decision tree is a diagram that describes the options
                      come up heads), while other probabilities are subjective,  and risks faced by a decision maker. We analyze decision
                      reflecting someone’s beliefs (such as a belief about the  trees by starting at the right end of the tree and working
                      probability that a stock will go up or down in value).  backwards, in a process called folding the tree back.
                      • The expected value of a lottery is a measure of the  • The value of perfect information (VPI) is the in-
                      average payoff the lottery will generate.       crease in the decision maker’s expected payoff when the
                                                                      decision maker can—at no cost—conduct a test that will
                      • The variance of a lottery is a measure of the lottery’s  reveal the outcome of a risky event.
                      riskiness—the average deviation between the possible out-
                      comes of the lottery and the expected value of the lottery.  • Auctions are important in economics. There are dif-
                                                                      ferent types of auction formats, including the English
                      • Utility functions can be used to assess decision mak-  auction, the first-price sealed-bid auction, the second-
                      ers’ preferences among alternatives with different  price sealed-bid auction, and the Dutch descending
                      amounts of risk. Decision makers may be risk averse, risk  auction. Auctions can also be classified according to
                      neutral, or risk loving.
                                                                      whether bidders have private valuations of the item
                      • A risk-averse decision maker prefers a sure thing to a  being sold or common valuations.
                      lottery of equal expected value, evaluates lotteries  • In a first-price sealed-bid auction with private values,
                      according to their expected utility, and has a utility func-  the bidder’s best strategy is to bid less than his or her
                      tion that exhibits diminishing marginal utility.  (LBD  maximum willingness to pay (by an amount that depends
                      Exercise 15.1)
                                                                      on the number of other bidders).  (LBD Exercise 15.4)
                      • A risk-neutral decision maker is indifferent between  • In an English auction with private values, the bidder’s
                      a sure thing and a lottery of equal expected value, evalu-  dominant strategy is to continue bidding as long as the
                      ates lotteries according to their expected value, and has  high bid is less than his or her maximum willingness to pay.
                      a utility function that exhibits constant marginal utility.
                      (LBD Exercise 15.2)                             • In a second-price sealed-bid auction with private
                                                                      values, the bidder’s dominant strategy is to submit a bid
                      • A risk-loving decision maker prefers a lottery to a  equal to his or her maximum willingness to pay.
                      sure thing of equal expected value, evaluates lotteries ac-
                      cording to their expected utility, and has a utility func-  • In each of these three auction formats, the bidder with
                      tion that exhibits increasing marginal utility.  (LBD  the highest willingness to pay wins the auction, and the
                      Exercise 15.2)                                  seller’s revenue is always less than the highest valuation
                                                                      among all bidders. The revenue equivalence theorem
                      • A risk premium is the minimum difference between  shows that, in all types of auctions with private values
                      the expected value of a lottery and the payoff from a sure  where bidders follow their Nash equilibrium strategies,
                      thing that would make the decision maker indifferent be-  the seller’s revenue will, on average, be equal to the
                      tween the lottery and the sure thing.  (LBD Exercise 15.3)
                                                                      second-highest private valuation among all bidders.
                      • A fair insurance policy is one in which the price of  • In auctions with common values, bidders must worry
                      the insurance is equal to the expected value of the dam-  about the winner’s curse—bidding more than the item is
                      age being covered. A risk-averse individual will always  worth. The bidder’s best strategy is to discount his or
                      prefer to purchase a fair insurance policy that provides  her estimate of the item’s value (by an amount that de-
                      full insurance against a loss.
                                                                      pends on the number of other bidders). The seller’s best
                      • Insurance companies must deal with the risks arising  choice of format for an auction with common values is
                      from asymmetric information (e.g., by including de-  the English auction, which generates a higher average
                      ductibles in insurance policies). Asymmetric information  revenue than other formats.
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