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                  642                   CHAPTER 15   RISK AND INFORMATION

                  and thus greater benefits from their spending on ads.  probably not very effective. Instead, an auction is a way
                  Google gets more search-engine users, and higher  to assess the amount that advertisers are willing to pay
                  demand and prices for its sponsored links, if the algo-  separately and automatically for each unique user
                  rithm it uses better achieves those objectives for its  search. In effect, Google is running a new auction with
                  customers and advertisers.                       every search. Note that this approach is only possible
                      The price and order of a sponsored link depends  because of high-speed computers.
                  largely on two factors. One is the likelihood that a  Google uses a  generalized second-price sealed-
                  user’s search will lead to a click on a sponsored link.  bid auction to sell AdWords. This format is similar to
                  For example, some users are likely to be searching for  the second-price sealed-bid auction described in this
                  a product to buy, while others are looking for infor-  chapter, but somewhat more complicated. In the stan-
                  mation or a weather report. Users who are searching  dard second-price auction, there is a single winner of
                  for something to buy are more likely to click on a  the auction, who pays the second highest bid. In
                  sponsored link and are thus more valuable to     Google’s auction, multiple advertisers “win” by hav-
                  Google’s advertising business. To assess this, Google  ing their ads placed on the page as sponsored links.
                  assigns a “quality score” to each keyword, based on  Each ad pays an amount equal to the next highest bid
                  factors such as how often the user clicks on a link  that is below its bid. Thus, links that are higher on the
                  after using that keyword in their search.        page pay more. Google developed this auction
                      The second factor used in pricing and ordering a  method on its own, but before launching it they
                  sponsored link is how much advertisers are willing to  asked economist Hal Varian to analyze its properties.
                  pay for an ad. Advertisers on Google’s search engine  His conclusion was that the method would be quite
                  page choose keywords that they think are relevant to  effective at efficiently allocating Internet advertising.
                  the product they are advertising. They then bid the  At that point, Google launched AdWords to great
                  maximum amount they are willing to pay for each click  success, and hired Varian to be the company’s chief
                  on their sponsored link from searches using that key-  economist. AdWords are highly profitable not only to
                  word. In other words, Google auctions off sponsored  Google, but also to its customers, since Google’s algo-
                  links. An auction is an effective way to determine pric-  rithms increase the likelihood that relevant advertise-
                  ing in this case because there is enormous variation in  ments are presented to users of its search engine. A
                  the types of keywords and in demand for advertising   recent analysis by Varian estimates that the value of
                  associated with each ad. While Google could try to set  the ads to advertising firms are approximately 2 to
                  prices itself, the market it faces is so complex and ever-  2.5 times the cost of the ads. 20  Thus, firms earn sub-
                  changing that such an approach would be costly and  stantial producer surplus from AdWords.

                                           If bidders respond to the possibility of the winner’s curse by shading their bids in
                                        a sealed-bid auction, one might wonder whether a first-price sealed-bid auction is best
                                        from the auctioneer’s perspective. It turns out that when bidders have common val-
                                        ues, a better auction format for the seller is the English auction, in which bidders can
                                        see the bids of the other players and can revise their opinion of the item’s value as the
                                        bidding progresses. In particular, if you initially have a low estimate of an item’s value,
                                        the fact that other players continue to bid aggressively on it will lead you to revise
                                        your estimate upward. This, in turn, reduces your incentive and the incentives of
                                        other bidders to shade bids downward in fear of the winner’s curse. Game theory
                                        analysis can show that the auctioneer’s average revenue over many auctions will be
                                        higher under an English auction than under a first-price sealed-bid auction, a second-
                                        price sealed-bid auction, or a Dutch auction. 21  This might partly explain why English
                                        auctions are so prevalent in the real world.

                                        20 Hal Varian, “Online Ad Auctions.” Working paper, University of California at Berkeley, 2009.
                                        21 This is true both when bidders are risk neutral and when they are risk averse.
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