Page 663 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 663

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                                                                                15.5 AUCTIONS                   637
                      Problem    Verify that each bidder’s Nash equilibrium  submit a lower bid), and Q/100   0.30. And so on. (In
                      bid is half of her own valuation.               the analogy of the wheel, the probability that the wheel
                                                                      will stop at a number less than or equal to, say, 20, is
                      Solution   Since each bidder has the same belief about  20/100, or 0.20.)
                      the other’s valuation, their optimal bidding strategies  Now suppose Bidder 1’s valuation of the object is
                      will be the same. Therefore, we only need to verify that  $60. (Any number would work as well for the sake of this
                      Bidder 1’s Nash equilibrium bid is half of her valuation—  argument.) In that case, Bidder 1’s profit from winning
                      that is, we need to show that if Bidder 1 expects Bidder 2  the auction will be her expected benefit minus her ex-
                      to submit a bid equal to half of Bidder 2’s valuation, then  pected payment. Her expected benefit is her valuation
                      Bidder 1 will submit a bid equal to half of Bidder 1’s  times her probability of winning   (60   Q/100), while
                      valuation. We can show this by reasoning as follows.  her expected payment is her bid times her probability of
                         If Bidder 1 expects Bidder 2 to submit a bid equal to  winning   (Q   Q/100). Thus, Bidder 1’s profit   (60
                      half of Bidder 2’s valuation, then Bidder 1 believes that  Q/100)   (Q   Q/100)   (0.60   0.01Q)Q.
                      Bidder 2’s bid is equally likely to be anywhere in the in-  This formula for Bidder 1’s profit is analogous to
                      terval between $0 and $100 (now the wheel has only 100  the formula we saw in Chapter 11 for total revenue
                      numbers).                                       along a linear demand curve [i.e., for a linear demand
                         Thus, if Bidder 1 submits a bid equal to Q, where  curve P   a   bQ, total revenue   (a   bQ)Q]. Thus, the
                      Q   100,  the probability that Bidder 1 will win the auc-  formula for Bidder 1’s marginal profit is 0.60   0.02Q
                      tion is Q/100. We can illustrate this by first assuming  (analogous to the formula we derived in Chapter 11 for
                      that Bidder 2 bids as expected—that is, submits a bid  marginal revenue along a linear demand curve,  a
                      between $0 and $100—and then considering some of  2bQ). At Bidder 1’s profit-maximizing optimal bid, mar-
                      Bidder 1’s possible bids. If, for example, Bidder 1 sub-  ginal profit is zero: 0.60   0.02Q   0, or Q   30.
                      mits a bid of $50, her probability of winning    0.50  Thus, for an arbitrary valuation (in this case, $60),
                      (i.e., there is a 0.50 probability that Bidder 2 will submit  we have shown what we set out to show: if Bidder 1 ex-
                      a higher bid and a 0.50 probability that Bidder 2 will  pects Bidder 2 to submit a bid equal to half of Bidder 2’s
                      submit a lower bid), and Q/100   0.50. If Bidder 1 sub-  valuation, then Bidder 1 will submit a bid equal to half
                      mits a bid of $30, her probability of winning    0.30  of Bidder 1’s valuation.
                      (i.e., there is a 0.70 probability that Bidder 2 will submit
                      a higher bid and a 0.30 probability that Bidder 2 will  Similar Problem:  15.26

                      English Auctions
                      Let’s now consider an English auction. Suppose that you and another bidder are com-
                      peting to purchase an antique table that is worth $1,000 to you. Unknown to you,
                      your rival’s valuation of the table is $800. If the auctioneer opens the bidding at $300,
                      what should you do?
                         When buyers have private values, the dominant strategy in an English auction is
                      to continue bidding only as long as the high bid is less than the bidder’s maximum will-
                      ingness to pay. 16  To see why, suppose that your rival has just shouted out a bid of $450
                      and that the auctioneer will accept increases in bids in increments of $1. Clearly, you
                      should raise your bid to $451: The worst that can happen is that your bid will be topped
                      by the other bidder, in which case you are no worse off than you are now. The best that
                      can happen is that the other bidder will drop out, and you will get the table at a price
                      ($451) that is below your willingness to pay.
                         If both players follow a strategy of bidding until the high bid reaches their maxi-
                      mum willingness to pay, it follows that the person who values the item the most (in
                      this example, that’s you) will win the item, paying a price that is just a shade higher
                      than the valuation of the bidder with the second-highest valuation. In this example, your

                      16 See Chapter 14 for a discussion of dominant strategies.
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