Page 662 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 662

c15riskandinformation.qxd  8/16/10  11:10 AM  Page 636

                  636                   CHAPTER 15   RISK AND INFORMATION
                                        TABLE 15.1   Comparison of Different Bids in a First-Price Sealed-Bid Auction


                                                                            $1,000            $900
                                                    Expected benefit   A   B  C  D  E  F    D   E  F
                                                    Expected payment  A   B  C  D   E  F    E  F
                                                    Expected profit   0                     D

                                        for two reasons: First, you pay less if you win; second, your probability of winning is
                                        lower. Reducing your expected payment is good, but when you lower your bid, you
                                        also reduce your expected benefit from winning the auction. Your expected benefit is
                                        your $1,000 value times the probability of winning. When you bid $1,000, your ex-
                                        pected benefit is areas A   B   C   D   E   F, but when you bid $900 your expected
                                        benefit is areas D   E   F. Thus, your expected benefit goes down by areas A   B   C.
                                        So is it worth shading your bid? The answer is yes, because when you shade your bid,
                                        your expected payment goes down by more than your expected benefit, and your net
                                        gain (expected profit) from shading your bid is area D, compared with an expected
                                        profit of zero if you bid $1,000. By shading your bid below your true valuation, you
                                        reduce your probability of winning, but you more than make up for it by increasing
                                        your net gain if you win the auction.
                                           By how much should you shade your bid? This depends on the shape of S, which
                                        depends on your beliefs about the bidding strategies of the other bidders, and that, in
                                        turn, depends on your beliefs about their valuations. In the Nash equilibrium of the
                                        bidding game, each player forms an assessment of the relationship between a bid and
                                        the probability of winning—the S curve in Figure 15.14—by conjecturing a relation-
                                        ship between the valuations of each rival bidder and that bidder’s equilibrium bidding
                                        behavior. 15  In equilibrium, these conjectures must be consistent with bidders’ actual
                                        behavior (we illustrate Nash equilibrium bidding strategies for a first-price sealed-bid
                                        auction in Learning-By-Doing Exercise 15.5).
                                           With N bidders, the Nash equilibrium strategy for each bidder is to submit a bid
                                        equal to (N   1)/N times the bidder’s true valuation. Note that no matter how many
                                        bidders there are, the bidder with the highest valuation wins the auction and pays a
                                        price that is less than the bidder’s maximum willingness to pay. Moreover, equilibrium
                                        bids go up as more bidders participate in the auction.

                       S     LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE 15.5
                             Verifying the Nash Equilibrium in a First-Price Sealed-Bid
                             Auction with Private Values
                  Two women (Bidder 1 and Bidder 2) are competing to  tion is as likely as a $1 valuation or a $2 valuation or a $3
                  buy an object in a first-price sealed-bid auction with  valuation, and so on up to $200. It’s like spinning a wheel
                  private values. Each believes that the other’s valuation is  numbered 0–200, with 0 and 200 in the same spot at the
                  equally likely to be anywhere in the interval between $0  top of the wheel: the wheel is as likely to stop at one
                  and $200. (In other words, they believe that a $0 valua-  number as at any other number.

                                        15 Remember from Chapter 14 that at a Nash equilibrium, each player in a game is doing the best it can
                                        given the strategies of the other players.
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