Page 673 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 673

c15riskandinformation.qxd  8/16/10  11:10 AM  Page 647

                                                                                    PROBLEMS                    647
                      15.23.  A large defense contractor is considering making  company can expect to get under the two options it
                      a specialized investment in a facility to make helicopters.  faces:
                      The firm currently has a contract with the government,
                      which, over the lifetime of the contract, is worth $100 mil-                      Decision
                      lion to the firm. It is considering building a new produc-                   Sell the  Produce
                      tion plant for these helicopters; doing so will reduce the  Outcome  Probability  Rights  Yourself
                      production costs to the company, increasing the value of
                      the contract from $100 million to $200 million. The  FDA approves  0.20        $10       $50
                      cost of the plant will be $60 million. However, there is  FDA does not   0.80  $ 2       $10
                      the possibility that the government will cancel the con-  approve
                      tract. If that happens, the value of the contract will fall  (payoffs are in millions of dollars)
                      to zero. The problem (from the company’s point of
                      view) is that it will only find out about the cancellation  a) Draw a decision tree showing the decisions that the
                      after it completes the new plant. At this point, it appears  company can make and the payoffs from following those
                      that the probability that the government will cancel the  decisions. Carefully distinguish between chance nodes
                      contract is 0.45.                               and decision nodes in the tree.
                      a) Draw a decision tree reflecting the decisions the firm  b)  Assuming that the biotechnology company acts as a
                      can make and the payoffs from those decisions. Carefully  risk-neutral decision maker, what action should it choose?
                      distinguish between chance nodes and decision nodes in  What is the expected payoff associated with this action?
                      the tree.
                                                                      15.25.  Consider the same problem as in Problem 15.24,
                      b) Assuming that the firm is a risk-neutral decision  but suppose that the biotech company can conduct its
                      maker, should the firm build a new plant? What is the  own test—at no cost—that will reveal whether the new
                      expected value associated with the optimal decision?  drug will be approved by the FDA. What is the biotech
                      c) Suppose instead of finding out about contract cancel-  company’s VPI?
                      lation after it builds the plant, the firm finds out about
                      cancellation before it builds the plant. Draw a new deci-  15.26.  You are bidding against one other bidder in a
                      sion tree corresponding to this new sequence of decisions  first-price sealed-bid auction with private values. You
                      and events. Again assuming that the firm is a risk-neutral  believe that the other bidder’s valuation is equally likely
                      decision maker, should the firm build the new plant?  to lie anywhere in the interval between $0 and $500.
                                                                      Your own valuation is $200. Suppose you expect your
                      15.24.  A small biotechnology company has developed  rival to submit a bid that is exactly one half of its valua-
                      a burn treatment that has commercial potential. The  tion. Thus, you believe that your rival’s bids are equally
                      company has to decide whether to produce the new  likely to fall anywhere between 0 and $250. Given this,
                      compound itself or sell the rights to the compound to a  if you submit a bid of Q, the probability that you win the
                      large drug company. The payoffs from each of these  auction is the probability that your bid  Q will exceed
                      courses of action depend on whether the treatment is  your rival’s bid. It turns out that this probability is equal
                      approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),  to Q/250. (Don’t worry about where this formula comes
                      the regulatory body in the United States that approves  from, but you probably should plug in several different
                      all new drug treatments. (The FDA bases its decision on  values of Q to convince yourself that this makes sense.)
                      the outcome of tests of the drug’s effectiveness on  Your profit from winning the auction is profit   (200
                      human subjects.) The company must make its decision  bid)   probability of winning. Show that your profit-
                      before the FDA decides. Here are the payoffs the drug  maximizing strategy is bidding half of your valuation.
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