Page 753 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 753

c17ExternalitiesandPublicGoods.qxd  8/22/10  4:56 AM  Page 727

                                                                                    PROBLEMS                    727
                      of whether the property rights are owned by the commu-  level of backhoes is Q*   12, find the tax that induces the
                      nity or the producer.                           socially efficient level of backhoes in equilibrium and the
                      b) How would your answer to part (a) change if the extra  value of c.
                      yearly fixed cost of the filter were $600,000?
                                                                      17.19.  The town of Steeleville has three steel factories,
                      17.15.  Two farms are located next to each other. During  each of which produces air pollution. There are 10 citi-
                      storms, sewage from Farm 1 flows into a stream located  zens of Steeleville, each of whose marginal benefits from
                      on Farm 2. Farm 2 relies on this stream as a source of  reducing air pollution is represented by the curve p(Q)
                      drinking water for its livestock, and when the stream is  5   Q/10, where Q is the number of units of pollutants
                      polluted with sewage, the livestock become sick and die.  removed from the air. The reduction of pollution is a
                      The annual damage to Farm 2 from this form of pollution  public good. For each of the three sources of air pollution,
                      is $100,000 per year. It is possible that Farm 1 can prevent  the following table lists the current amount of pollution
                      the runoff of sewage by installing storm drains. The cost  being produced along with the constant marginal cost of
                      of the storm drains is $200,000.                reducing it.
                      a) Provide an argument that the Coase Theorem holds in
                      this situation.                                              Units of Pollution  MC of Pollution
                                                                      Source   Currently Being Produced  Reduction
                      b) Suppose that the damage to Farm 2 is $500,000 per
                      year, not $100,000 per year (with the cost of storm drains  Factory A  20            $10
                      remaining fixed at $200,000). Provide an argument that  Factory B  40                $20
                      the Coase Theorem holds in this case.           Factory C          60                $30
                      17.16.  Suppose a factory located next to a river dis-  a) On a graph, illustrate marginal benefits (“demand”)
                      charges pollution that causes $2 million worth of environ-  and the marginal costs (“supply”) of reducing pollution.
                      mental damage to the residents downstream. The factory  What is the efficient amount of pollution reduction?
                      could completely eliminate the pollution by treating the  Which factories should be the ones to reduce pollution,
                      water on location at a cost of $1.6 million. Alternatively,  and what would the total costs of pollution reduction be?
                      the residents could construct a water purification plant  In a private market, would any units of this public good
                      just upstream of their town, at a cost of $0.8 million,  be provided?
                      which would not completely eliminate the environmental  b) The Steeleville City Council is currently considering
                      damage to them but reduce it to $0.5 million. Under cur-  the following policies for reducing pollution:
                      rent law, the factory must compensate the town for any
                      environmental damage the factory causes. Bargaining   i. Requiring each factory to reduce pollution by 10 units
                      between the factory owner and the town is costless. What  ii. Requiring each factory to produce only 30 units of
                      would the Coase Theorem imply about the outcome of  pollution
                      bargaining between the town and the factory owner?  iii. Requiring each factory to reduce pollution by one-
                      17.17.  The demand for energy-efficient appliances   Calculate the total costs of pollution reduction associated
                      is given by  P   100/Q, while the inverse supply (and  with each policy. Compare the total costs and amount of
                      marginal private cost) curve is MPC   Q. By reducing   pollution reduction to the efficient amount you found in
                      demand on the electricity network, energy-efficient ap-  part (a). Do any of these policies create a deadweight
                      pliances generate an external marginal benefit according  loss?
                      to MEB   eQ.
                                                                      c) Another policy option would create pollution permits,
                      a) What is the equilibrium amount of energy-efficient  to be allocated and, if desired, traded among the firms. If
                      appliances traded in the private market?
                                                                      each factory is allocated tradeable permits allowing it to
                      b) If the socially efficient number of energy-efficient   produce 30 units of pollution, which factories, if any,
                      appliances is Q   20, what is the value of e?   would trade them? (Assume zero transactions costs.) If
                      c) If the government subsidized production of energy-  they do trade, at what prices would the permits be
                      efficient appliances by $S  per unit, what level of the   traded?
                      subsidy would induce the socially efficient level of pro-  d) How does your answer in part (c) relate to that in
                      duction?                                        part (a)? Explain how the Coase Theorem factors into
                                                                      this relationship.
                      17.18.  The demand for air-polluting backhoes in Peoria
                      is P D    48   Q. The air pollution creates a marginal  17.20.  A chemical producer dumps toxic waste into a
                      external cost according to  MEC   2    Q. Supply of  river. The waste reduces the population of fish, reducing
                      backhoes is given by P   10   cQ. If the socially efficient  profits for the local fishing industry by $100,000 per year.
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