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Hospice & PAID
See West Palm Beach, FL
Palliative Care Permit #4595
pages 30-36
pages 23-24
Volume 17 • Issue 5 • $5.00 November 2020
Hospice & Education Technology
Palliative Care
FAU: Helping to Advance Careers
in Today's Competitive Marketplace
More than 1,400 working professionals choose FAU
Executive Education each year when seeking to earn their
advanced degrees while balancing life and career demands.
“We understand ambitious professionals expect high-
quality education with flexible schedules and offer several
degrees in convenient formats (weekend, evening and
online courses): Executive and Online Master of Health
Administration, Executive MBA, Professional MBA, MBA in
Sport Management, Online MBA, Master of Science in Dr. Frank Astor
Finance, Master of Accounting, Master of Tax, and our
Dr. Tracy Romanello Rudy Molinet
Executive Ph.D.,” says Rudy Molinet, RN, MPH, Adjunct Providing
Professor of Florida Atlantic University, Executive
Education, College of Business. “All our degree programs are cohort structured encour-
aging camaraderie and connections that become long-lasting personal and professional Remote Patient
“She Has relationships.”
Last year, FAU’s College of Business launched its Executive Ph.D. in Business Monitoring to
Horrible Pain … Administration – the highest degree attainable in business— becoming one of the few
AACSB-accredited business schools in the U.S. and the first in Florida to offer a business Help Support
Won’t Someone Ph.D. in business in the executive format. Its inaugural cohort of twenty-two includes
medical professionals, entrepreneurs, published authors, CFOs and CEOs with over 150
years of combined business experience. This fall, the school welcomed its second Ph.D. Telehealth Visits
Please Help Us” class of twenty-two students.
“For professionals across all industries – from health care workers, business owners to BY DANIEL CASCIATO
senior executives – who want to accelerate career growth, improve performance and
drive innovation in particular business areas, FAU Executive Education also offers pro- Based in Ft. Lauderdale, WITHmyDOC
fessional development courses and seminars, as well as certificate, corporate, and cus-
For people who suffer with pain, today’s tomized training programs,” says Molinet. is a digital health company that uses web-
healthcare climate can seem like a harsh based intelligence platforms for remote
reality. The implications for finding safe Continued on page 12 patient monitoring (RPM) to transform
and adequate pain solutions exist for healthcare. Founded in 2019, the com-
patients and families, and there are shared pany connects patients or consumers to
concerns and burdens experienced by COVID-19 Update their care teams while providing the real-
healthcare providers who strive to be a time data necessary to control symptom
part of the solution and to responsibly and disease progression.
manage pain. Pain can be especially chal- Navigating the Pandemic: WITHmyDOC recently launched
lenging for individuals facing serious, RPM@Home™. Using a web-based intel-
chronic illnesses who experience debili- ImageFIRST 'Passes the Test' ligence platform to monitor patients and
tating pain more days than not and have transmit real-time biometric data to
intensifying symptom burden as their dis- healthcare providers, RPM@Home sup-
ease progresses. While pain not only BY LOIS THOMSON ports chronic care management and tele-
greatly influences the day to day lives of health visits by providing real-time data
people who face these illnesses, it can also The pandemic heavily impacted all industries and to facilitate proactive intervention.
take a tremendous toll on those who love sparked a variety of responses from providers and business- RPM@Home allows healthcare providers
and care for them. It is not uncommon for es worldwide. However, navigating successfully through to review patients’ biometric data as fre-
caregivers of patients with poorly con- these uncertain times wasn’t luck of the draw; for those quently as needed between office visits,
trolled pain to report their own distressing companies that did, it took intent and persistence. making it easier to detect, diagnose and
symptoms such as loss of sleep, poor Jay Juffre, Executive Vice President of ImageFIRST, treat symptoms.
appetite, neglected hygiene, and mood believes the preparation the company took in the initial “Through scalable technology
changes, for example. These findings can weeks after the pandemic hit helped to make the past few WITHmyDOC works with health sys-
add to caregiver fatigue and burnout, con- months a little easier to navigate. "When it broke, the lead- tems, physician offices, ACOs and other
tributing to the vast psychosocial com- ership team spent long days navigating the pandemic. What healthcare organizations that engage in
plexities of the support system for was true one day wasn't true the next, so everybody was Jay Juffre population health and/or chronic condi-
patients. Poorly controlled pain can have learning together. We were having daily video conferences, tions management requiring remote patient
devastating consequences for patients, as and there was a lot of communication with our entire team." monitoring,” says Frank Astor, M.D., MBA,
well as for their families and caregivers. He said that seven months ago the leaders were determining how they were going to FACS, chief medical officer for
The shared media coverage by televi- plot a course through this, trying to determine a plan; now for the last six months they WITHmyDOC.
sion, internet, and news sources have have been executing the plan. "We've been there for our customers, we've been there for Dr. Astor recently joined WITHmyDOC.
Continued on page 22 Continued on page 11 Continued on page 27