P. 10

Healthcare in Distress: Signs That You May Need to Restructure

          While the initial tidal wave of COVID-                                         shortages (in particular, PPE)   ability Regulation (MFAR) would restrict
        19 has begun to recede, the effects of the                                       due to high influxes of COVID-  Medicaid supplemental payments for
        pandemic are still rippling through the                                          19 patients and disrupted sup-  long-term care facilities, potentially lead-
        U.S. healthcare landscape. Initial CARES                                         ply chains. Now, however, these   ing to a $50 billion cut in total annual
        Act relief funds helped stave off financial                                      challenges have abated and sup-  funding. Facilities that are overly reliant
        instability for many facilities, but uncer-                                      ply shortages should be re -  on Medicaid may find themselves on the
        tainty over the potential of future relief,                                      solved. If a hospital is still expe-  losing end of MFAR should it pass and
        consumer confidence, lack of regulation                                          riencing supply shortages, it   should closely watch this issue.
        surrounding telehealth reimbursement                                             may be because they don’t have
        and market volatility continue to plague                                         sufficient liquidity to purchase   Key Takeaways
        healthcare facilities financially.                                               necessary supplies.            1. COVID-19 has had an outsized
          As healthcare organizations focus on                                             • Increase in uninsured    impact on physician practices, hospitals
        maintaining operations in the thick of       BY PATRICK PILCH, CPA, MBA,         patients – Many hospitals have   and senior care facilities. Executives and
        the recession, they—and their creditors           AND JIM LOUGHLIN               seen an increase in uninsured   administrators at these organizations, as
        and bankers—should remain vigilant for                                           patients who need COVID-19   well as banks and other lenders that pro-
        signs of financial distress.                                                     testing or treatment. While the   vide capital for these facilities, need to be
          Generally, there are several signs of   • High physician turnover rate –   CARES Act includes reimbursement for   aware of the unique signs of distress that
        distress that span all industries, includ-  Physicians seek stability in pay and   these treatments, the reimbursement isn’t   each type of organization may exhibit
        ing:                                 work-life balance in the practice environ-  always enough to cover the full costs.   both during and after COVID-19. Early
          • Rising level of overall corporate debt   ment. It is anticipated this will lead to   According to a Fair Health report, the   detection of distress is key to avoiding
        – Some companies will struggle to serv-  even greater consolidation as smaller   average charge per COVID-19 patient   restructuring or bankruptcy.
        ice or refinance this debt in the new eco-  practices seek greater levels of security. If   with no complications is $42,486,   2. Declines in occupancy and patient
        nomic climate.                       these needs are not met at a physician   whereas the average charge for a COVID-  volume are a continuing source of finan-
          • Tight liquidity – Includes insufficient   practice, they will move elsewhere. High   19 patient with complications is   cial strain across all three organization
        cash on hand, inability to obtain new   turnover among physicians in a practice   $74,310. Potential Supreme Court rul-  types. Hospitals and physician practices
        financing and inability to pay debts when   means the practice is failing to provide   ings on the Affordable Care Act may also   should focus on encouraging in-person
        due.                                 the resources needed to succeed, pushing   increase the number of uninsured   visits by making patients feel safe with
          • Fully drawn credit facilities –   away the very drivers of success—the   patients in the years to come.   stringent safety and hygiene practices
        Includes covenant violations that lower   physicians themselves.                                              and protocols. Senior care facilities will
        borrowing base availability, reliance on   • Complicated and unwieldy adminis-  Senior Care Facilities        need to adopt the strictest rules regard-
        amendments or forbearances and deteri-  tration infrastructure – Administrative   •  High incidence of COVID-19 –   ing safety, as COVID transmission among
        orating relationships with lenders.   functions, especially in the back office,   According to a recent study, COVID-19   the elderly population is a particular
          • Declining profitability – Includes sig-  can overwhelm resources when ineffi-  infections were more common in senior   concern.
        nificant decreases in revenue, cash flow   cient. Poorly-designed interfaces for   care facilities that a) had less liquidity;   3. Understand what problems your
        and EBITDA.                          EHRs can slow systems down, confusing   and b) had larger negative shocks to cash   organization faces outside of the impact
          • Debt in excess of the book value of   diagnostic and treatment codes can   flow. As a result, COVID-19 outbreaks   of COVID-19. While the unique signs of
        assets – Includes significant near-term   impede the billing process and slow   can indicate that a senior care facility is   distress in each organization have been
        debt maturities and solvency concerns.   administrative processes can lead to   in financial distress.        exacerbated by COVID-19, not every
          • Operational disruption – Includes   delayed reimbursement claims. The more   • Sharp drops in occupancy –  High   sign of distress is rooted in the pandemic.
        loss of key customers/vendors, increased   needlessly complicated the administra-  entrance fees can deter new residents,   Issues like unwieldy administrative
        Medicare pending and/or Medicaid pend-  tive process, the greater the threat.   and the pandemic may have pushed back   structures, lack of affiliation with health-
        ing balances, staff turnover and/or lay-                                  move-in dates. Some people are also   care systems and high reliance on
        offs, service lapses.                Hospitals                            bringing their elderly relatives home for   Medicaid funding will continue to
          As a result of the pandemic, some sub-  • Lack of affiliation with a healthcare   care due to fears that facilities are not   impact hospitals even in a post-COVID
        sectors of the healthcare system have   system – Smaller independent hospitals   safe  from  COVID-19  outbreaks.  world. Executives and administrators
        seen greater financial impacts than oth-  tend to have access to fewer resources,   Occupancy in senior care centers has   should begin considering what steps they
        ers. In particular, physician practices,   serve more uninsured patients and may   reached a 15-year low due to COVID-19,   can take to address these underlying
        hospitals and specialty surgery centers,   have difficulty attracting top talent. Lack   according to Bloomberg Law. If facilities   issues today.
        diagnostic services and senior care facili-  of affiliation or network can mean less   are not able to assuage consumer fears   Maintaining operations throughout
        ties have faced significant headwinds. It   flexibility to manage these risks.   related to COVID-19 outbreaks, occu-  the disruption created by the pandemic
        is important for executives in these sub-  • Decline in emergency room, diag-  pancy is unlikely to pick back up.   requires an honest assessment of your
        sectors to understand potential signs of   nostic and elective procedure patient   • High staff turnover and a need for   organization’s financial health. Signs of
        distress in their own organizations in   volumes – While fewer elective proce-  increased contract labor to meet staffing   distress, when spotted early, can be the
        order to adjust their operations or capital   dures were expected and occurred dur-  needs – As nursing facilities have seen   key to avoiding more serious financial
        structures to maintain financial stability.   ing COVID-19, the significant number of   increased levels of infection and   woes down the line, including debt
                                             patients who decided to forego necessary   increased physician and mental strain   restructuring or even bankruptcy.
        Physician Practices                  medical ER intervention was not.     experienced by nursing staff at SNFs,    Spot any of these signs in your organ-
          • Continuing low patient volume – As   Hospitals that continue to see lower   resulting turnover may require facilities   ization? Get in touch.
        COVID-19 continues, some patients are   patient volumes in the emergency room,   to supplement staff levels in order to
        avoiding in-person visits due to safety   and therefore subsequent lower new   maintain standards of care. This addi-  Patrick Pilch is National Leader and
        concerns. While much better than in   inpatient volume, will be subject to   tional cost of care may further strain   Senior Managing Director, Healthcare
        April 2020, patient volumes remain   greater financial distress.          already narrowing margins.             Advisory. Jim Loughlin is National Leader,
        below historic levels which in turn is   • Extended staff cuts and furloughs –   • Reliance on outdated technology –        Business Restructuring and
        leading to significantly reduced physi-  Hospitals seeking to maintain liquidity   Technology adoption is crucial in senior      Turnaround Services.
        cian compensation. This problem is   during COVID-19 have furloughed some   care facilities, as evidenced by the wide-
        heightened in practices that employ fee-  staff and instituted pay cuts for others.   spread adoption of telehealth during the
        for-service models.                  However, as they recover financially,   pandemic. Facilities that can’t afford to   Contact:
          • Lack of capital access –  It remains   these policies should reverse. If the poli-  invest in new technologies are likely in   Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
        unclear how access to the credit markets   cies continue for an extended duration,   distress.                  305-420-8006/
        will be impacted which may place addi-  it’s likely a sign that they have insuffi-  • High reliance on Medicaid funding
        tional burden on physicians/practices that   cient cash flow.             – Facilities that rely on Medicaid could   Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
        require access to capital to invest in key   • Supply shortages – At the beginning   be in trouble due to a new rule proposed   646-520-2870 /
        infrastructure, technology and talent.    of COVID-19, hospitals saw supply   by CMS. The Medicaid Fiscal Account -

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