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Healthy People 2030 vs. The State of Florida:

                                                      How to Get There from Here

                                Just last month, the federal Department of Health and   Each study is slightly different in its approach, methodology, and outcome.
                              Human Services came out with its blueprint for public health   Unfortunately, though, the results in aggregate tend to show a dismal picture for the state
                              action: Healthy People 2030. Healthy People 2030 contains   of Florida—always in the lower half and usually in the lower quartile of comparative state
                              355 science-based health status objectives which have been   performance with regard to health status. A closer analysis of the disparate factors affect-
                              categorized under five classifications: health conditions,   ing health status performance leads to a few inescapable conclusions and recommenda-
                              health behaviors, populations, settings and systems, and   tions for policy-makers, public health officials, healthcare administrators, businesses, and
                              social determinants of health. The objectives include health   individuals.
                              status targets and tools for actions that should be adopted by   • Improve access to care. In particular, the policy decision not to expand Medicaid to
                              individuals, by providers and health systems, by businesses,   low-income adults authorized by the Affordable Care Act consistently lands Florida
                              and by public-private partnership initiatives to achieve opti-  among the worst-performing states in the nation for access to care.
                              mal health.                                          • Eliminate disparities in care. Florida still has a significant difference in healthcare
                                Eventually, the Healthy People 2030 plan will identify   utilization rates and clinical outcomes between white Floridians and Black or Hispanic
             BY CALVIN        state-specific data points that will show baseline perform-  Floridians and between rural and urban communities.
             GLIDEWELL        ance as well as targeted improvements for each state within   • Address avoidable use of healthcare facilities and resultant cost of care. Florida
                              each indicator. At the present time, however, the state-specif-  health systems need to do a better job of population health management and eliminating
        ic data is still being formulated and tabulated by the National Center for Health Statistics.   duplicative and unnecessary care.
        For now, we’ll have to rely on other commercially-available published studies showing the   • Improve funding for public health. Florida consistently ranks among the lowest
        relative performance of each state in achieving optimal health. (Spoiler Alert:   states for public health expenditures per 100,000 people. Florida policymakers should
        Unfortunately, the data we do have doesn’t show a very rosy picture for Florida.)   ensure that there are adequate resources for health equity initiatives, disaster response
          There are four organizations which have recently rated Florida’s health status perform-  efforts, chronic disease management, and emerging public health threats.
        ance as compared to all other states: (1) The Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation   • Address the growing scarcity of adequate providers. As Florida’s population swells
        whose mission is to promote a high-performing health care system that achieves better   and ages, the provider-to-population ratios continue to deteriorate. Health systems
        access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society’s most vulnerable   should periodically evaluate their recruitment and retention efforts to continually be able
        including low-income people, the uninsured, and people of color; (2) The United Health   to attract and maintain a dedicated and high-quality workforce.
        Foundation, a not-for profit, private foundation established by the UnitedHealth Group   • Create broad-based nutritional and exercise programs to minimize inactivity, obesity,
        and dedicated to improving health and health care; (3) U.S. News & World Report, a   and diabetes. Individual behavior is often the most difficult domain to legislate, monitor,
        multi-platform publisher of news and information, which includes authoritative rankings   and manage. But we need policies which support healthy behaviors: elimination of food
        in a variety of categories, including a ranking of the Best States for Health Care; and (4)   deserts, early nutritional and physical education in public schools, adequate emotional and
        WalletHub, a private company owned by Evolution Finance which conducted a review of   mental health support, and social support structures to benefit the entire community.
        the best and worst states for health care.                                 Thanks to the framework and recommendations provided by the Healthy People 2030
          Here is Florida’s health status ranking as reported by these four different agencies:   initiative, there is a clear pathway to improving the health status of Floridians. Not easy,
          Reporting Organization     Date of Publication  Florida Ranking        but clear. We need political will, leadership commitment, allocation of sufficient
                                                          (out of 50 states)     resources, development of fresh collaborations with private and nonprofit business part-
          1. Commonwealth Fund       August 2020          41                     ners, and an unwavering resolve to lead the way in America to becoming the healthiest
          2. United Health Foundation  December 2019      33                     state in the nation.
          3. U.S. News & World Report  2019               29
          4. WalletHub               August 2020          37                                       Calvin Glidewell is President and CEO of inspirEx Healthcare Strategies.

                                                                                            Industry Veteran Launches

                                                                                                a Direct-To-Consumer

                                                                                          Life Insurance Quote Engine

                                                                                      Howard Wolkowitz, a financial author, educa-
                                                                                    tor, innovator and insurance broker, announced
                                                                                    the launch of, an independ-
                                                                                    ent direct-to-consumer life insurance quote
                                                                                    engine that allows consumers to confidentially
                                                                                    and independently shop for and purchase the life
                                                                                    insurance policy that fits their unique needs and
                                                                                    budget. The new quote engine also offers con-
                                                                                    sumers an opportunity to finally see inside the life
                                                                                    insurance Black Box.
                                                                                      "You can now be in control of the buying
                                                                                    process," Wolkowitz said. "Come and play with   BY HOWARD
                                                                                    our quote engine and see 40+ life insurance com-  WOLKOWITZ
                                                                                    panies compete for your business. You will never
                                                                                    purchase life insurance the same way again."
                                                                             was thoughtfully built
                                                                                    with the CONSUMER in mind. It works best for do-it-yourselfers and educated
                                                                                    buyers, who are now able to search and choose their own life insurance policy.
                                                                                    Consumers can get valuable information using the comprehensive life insur-
                                                                                    ance content library that's being constantly updated. For those consumers who
                                                                                    still need some advice, Wolkowitz offers guidance during complementary has-
                                                                                    sle-free phone consultations.
                                                                                      "My goal is to make sure consumers get the right amount of coverage for the
                                                                                    right number of years from the right company for the right price,” Wolkowitz
                                                                                    said. “No proprietary company products. No sales talk. No pushy agenda. My
                                                                                    goal is to protect your best interests.”

                                                                                        Visit to get a quote for your new life insurance policy or to
                                                                                                     find out how much you may be overpaying for your current one.
                                                                                                 You can also contact Wolkowitz at or
                                                                                                                   at (954) 558-3673 for immediate assistance.

         6                         November 2020                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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