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P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

           A message from our President

                          If There Is a National Change in Leadership,

                                               What Might It Mean?

               By the time you read this, the national elections may be over. So, just in case   reducing the eligibility age for Medicare from 65
             there has been a change in leadership, what might it mean for us? So far we have   to 60 could have serious financial implications as
             heard a lot or rhetoric from both camps, but what does the evidence say?   more profitable commercially insured patients are
               In a recent assessment, FiveThirtyEight estimated that there is a 72 percent   displaced by expanding numbers of Medicare
             chance that Democrats could control the presidency, Senate, and House. Not   patients.                                Jaime Caldwell
             since the first two years of the Obama Administration has that happened and,   Candidate Biden has also talked about two other
             what might we expect if it happens this month.                       ways to stimulate the economy that have implica-
               A historical perspective on this subject might be helpful. As we have seen,   tions for hospitals. First, support for increasing the federal minimum wage from
             houses of Congress controlled by opposing parties leads to not much getting   the current $7.25 to a discussed $15.00. While this will impose an economic
             done. We saw the Affordable Care Act being passed during those first two years   burden on hospitals, growing transition to artificial intelligence for many basic
             in the Obama Administration with veto-proof majorities, but what might happen   functions will bring greater value to many of the positions that formerly per-
             tomorrow?                                                            formed these repetitive tasks. Plus, innovation will occur that will help reduce
               In reading many authors’ opinions on this subject, hardly one suggests that a   the impact of this increase in salary expense. On the positive side, more families
             Blue Wave would radically change what we are seeing today. With, at best, a slim   will be able to purchase healthcare coverage that covers more than just the bare
             majority in the Senate, that body would continue to take a more conservative   essentials.
             approach, maybe just left of center, and would not likely advocate for significant   Second, candidate Biden has also talked about extending the enhanced unem-
             change like some of the proposals calling for Medicare for All, reducing the   ployment insurance benefits. Personal income has grown considerably during
             Medicare age to 60, or dramatic drug pricing legislation.            these COVID-19 times as people have spent less and have paid down existing
               So, what might we see? Expansion of the Affordable Care Act is likely.   debt. Many economists believe that the double-barrel approach of increasing the
             Foremost, pressing the case for the remaining states that have not expanded   minimum wage and extending enhanced benefits will lead to the unleashing of
             Medicaid, to do so. Also, the Biden Administration would likely move to restore   pent-up demand that will lead to a consumer led economic recovery.
             many of the administrative changes enacted by Executive Order during the   These are interesting times and, sometimes, it is fun to just sit back and see
             Trump Administration. And, also likely, a move to fix some of the issues identi-  how right, or wrong, the prognosticators are! What is for sure, whichever party
             fied by the US Supreme Court as being problematic. What that means is that we   is successful, hospitals will continue to face challenges. COVID-19 is not going
             will see the restoration of the individual mandate requiring coverage and estab-  away, and more recent announcements seem to indicate that vaccines will not be
             lishing penalties for lack of thereof. In discussions about the Biden agenda, it is   generally available until the end of the first quarter or second quarter on 2021.
             also mentioned that the public option and tax credits would also be back on the   Then, we must overcome the growing hurdle of the distrust by the general pub-
             table.                                                               lic concerning the expedited process used to verify vaccine safety.
               With the moderation that might be imposed by a scant Democratic majority in   Hospitals and other healthcare providers must continue to operate at high lev-
             the Senate, candidate Biden has talked frequently about allowing Medicare to   els despite the fact that patient volumes and revenues are down significantly
             negotiate drug prices. His stated platform would also limit price increases for all   from 2019. Months and months of no, or limited elective procedures and tests
             brand-name, biotech, and “abusively priced” generic drugs. These changes might   have left a lasting mark and it will take time for healthcare providers to recover.
             be muted by the Senate as big pharma has gotten good public press for their   Regardless of the administration, healthcare needs a continued infusion of
             COVID-19 response.                                                   supplemental funding to ensure the availability of care for all. Healthcare
               The healthcare industry would also benefit from the positive COVID-19 press   providers are non-partisan, and render lifesaving care to all races, creeds, reli-
             and would likely experience positive changes in governmental spending through   gions, or countries of origin. They provide this care regardless of the party in
             additional CARES Act funding, but that will be tempered by likely increases in   power. We have a long road ahead of us, but I think I can just see the lights of
             existing tax rates and more regulation. And, while expanded Medicaid coverage   the next town.
             would be a positive force in this state, proposals like Medicare-For-All and   Thank you for voting!

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          November 2020                            9
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