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                                     Fortis College - Educating Our Future Nurses

          The World Health Organization      2020 when the pandemic was hitting new   a long-term nursing care                  prepare you for an entry-level
        declared 2020 the Year of the Nurse and   heights every day?              facility and post-acute                       career in nursing. Upon com-
        Midwife and it is difficult to imagine a   That is just the situation that Fortis   rehabilitation center. “It’s        pletion of the ADN program at
        more appropriate designation. Without a   nursing graduate Rebekah Tasker had to   where I started,” she says.          FORTIS, you will be prepared
        doubt, COVID-19 has brought the nurs-  navigate earlier this year. The final seven   “That’s where I’m happiest.        to sit for your licensure exam
        ing profession into the spotlight and   months of her program were significantly   I enjoy what I do there for          to become a Registered Nurse.
        shown the work nurses perform every   impacted by COVID-19. Tasker graduated   residents. They’ve lived                 The Bureau of Labor Statistics
        day caring for their patients is absolutely   in September 2020 with an associate   their lives and it’s an honor       reports that employment
        essential to society.                degree in nursing.                   to be there for them during                   prospects for RNs are expect-
          Training to become a nurse has been a   “When I started my clinicals at the   this time.”                             ed to be excellent nationally
        career goal for many people, even prior   beginning of the year, everything was nor-  Bruce Smith, president of         over the next decade. With a
        to the COVID-19 crisis. Nurses can work   mal,” says Tasker. “Right at the end of the   Fortis Cutler Bay is proud      FORTIS nursing degree, you
        in virtually every type of healthcare facil-  term, things started to shut down.”   of how his staff and faculty   Bruce Smith   can be ready to one day join
        ity from hospitals to physicians’ offices,   Starting a job on the frontlines during the   have risen to meet the challenges present-  the 2.6 million Americans who work as
        from clinics to schools and more. They   pandemic might make some people   ed by the pandemic and says, “Our priori-  registered nurses!
        can work directly with patients, or even   rethink their decision to go into nursing,   ty is to keep our students focused on their   Since 2011, FORTIS College in Cutler
        work    as   telehealth  providers.  but this wasn’t the case for Tasker.   goals by providing them with the best edu-  Bay has provided career education and
        Additionally, nurses have the opportuni-  “There were risks even before COVID,”   cational experience possible in a safe envi-  training to people in south Florida and the
        ty to advance their careers through the   she says. “Every time you go to work, you   ronment.”               greater Miami area. FORTIS offers pro-
        pursuit of additional training and spe-  could be in a position to encounter other   Have you been thinking about training   grams in nursing and medical assisting to
        cialization in pediatrics, oncology, psy-  infectious diseases or potential problems.   to become a nurse? Are you looking for a   both traditional and nontraditional stu-
        chiatry and more.                    It’s part of what you have set out to do. All   school nearby, with small classes and car-  dents to help them reach their professional
          Nursing school is a significant under-  you can do is take precautions and do   ing and experienced faculty? If so, then   career goals. It is never too late to get start-
        taking in the best of times, but can you   everything right.”             take a good look at FORTIS College in   ed on your dream of becoming a nurse.
        imagine being in the final stages of your   Tasker has found her calling and once   Cutler Bay, FL. The Associate Degree in
        nursing education during the spring of   she’s gets her license, she plans to work at   Nursing program at FORTIS College will   For more information, visit

         Cover Story:  FAU: Helping to Advance Careers in Today's Competitive Marketplace

        Continued from previous page         with industry experts. I have found the   to a new way of teaching,” he says. “Some   “In my classes, I have tried to make
        Faculty and staff are encouraged to partic-  networking assignment to be most benefi-  of our students lost their jobs due to the   learning rigorous but fun,” Molinet says.
        ipate in Mental Health education to identi-  cial since it has enabled me to make con-  pandemic, and others had real losses in   “With everything from music videos and
        fy students at risk and to assure their safety   nections that will help me in my future   their families; some students had COVID-  funny parodies to FlipGrid video discus-
        and ultimate success in our program and   professional endeavors.”        19 affect them personally or their loved   sion boards, to Zoom Breakout rooms,
        in their lives.”                       The FAU Executive Education team has   ones.”                          Zoom Polling and breathing exercises, we
          Camilla De Abreu, Risk Management   spent the past two decades perfecting   As educators, he notes that they can   have all worked hard to keep students
        Specialist at Broward Health Medical   online learning delivery, and were well   make a positive impact on students by cre-  engaged in learning. I like to bring laugh-
        Center who will graduate this semester   prepared to make this transition.    ating a safe space in the classroom and   ter into the classroom. When we laugh,
        with an MBA with a healthcare concentra-  “Our focus is always on delivering top-  being empathetic and flexible with each   our bodies produce endorphins…the
        tion says, “My professor truly cares about   quality education programs to working   student’s needs. Molinet remembers hav-  body’s ‘natural high’ which helps students
        his students and was able to help me iden-  professionals in Florida, and we are   ing one student in his Executive MHA   reduce anxiety and therefore be more open
        tify my opportunities and recommend new   pleased that we have been able to transi-  class who disclosed she had contracted the   to learning. As a nurse, I remember the
        ways to achieve them. He is always   tion all of our programs into virtual for-  coronavirus and did not feel comfortable   power of laughter and positive energy with
        encouraging me and my classmates to step   mats during the pandemic. We also take   being on camera during class, but she still   my patients and I try hard to bring that
        outside our comfort zones to grow.”    pride in the high caliber of our participants   made an effort to attend every time.    same level of excitement and compassion
          Molinet adds, “We are so proud of   who have shown great resilience in a diffi-  “Another student from my Professional   to the classroom.”
        Camilla and all our students and enjoy   cult situation.” says Vegar Wiik, Executive   MBA program had a tree fall on her house   Finally, Molinet explains how grateful
        watching them grow as leaders.”      Director of FAU Executive Education. “We   in Louisiana during the hurricane, yet she   they are for the support they received from
                                             thank them for choosing FAU as their   made it a point to find a cell signal by   the community of healthcare and business
        Teaching during the pandemic         executive education provider, and we are   standing on the bed of her boyfriend’s   leaders.
          One of the strengths at FAU is its adapt-  proud to offer our convenient and excep-  pick-up truck so she could let me know   “During such a difficult time, it was
        ability in the face of change and disrup-  tional educational experience that empow-  she was okay and to ask for an extension   heartwarming how many of these leaders
        tion, notes Molinet. As the global pandem-  ers South Florida working professionals to   on her assignments,” he says. “This type of   took time to speak with our students, even
        ic began changing the way the entire world   continue excelling in their careers.”   student commitment and resilience was   when working so hard to provide excellent
        operated earlier this year, they also shifted   Starting this spring, students will have   very motivational, and frankly, emotional   care to the patients and families affected by
        and successfully transitioned all programs   the option to attend classes on campus or   for me as a professor. My colleagues and I   COVID-19 and while keeping their respec-
        and students to a virtual setting.    continue in an entirely virtual setting.    worked very hard to make sure our stu-  tive businesses sustainable,” he says. “I
          Many of the professors have added    “Our priority remains the health and   dents’ basic needs were met and that we   want to also thank South Florida Hospital
        Zoom-etiquette training programs to their   safety of our students, faculty, and staff,   were flexible with deadlines and assign-  News & Healthcare Report for its reporting
        courses to help students navigate this   and as we have successfully proven, we are   ments during this crisis. Our Executive   during COVID-19. It became the ‘go to’
        brave new world academically and profes-  prepared to adapt and adjust as circum-  Education leadership team has also been   resource for all things COVID-19 in South
        sionally. Coaching students on successful   stances continue to evolve,” says Molinet.    very supportive of faculty and staff work-  Florida. That is a remarkable public serv-
        virtual presence has been very beneficial                                 ing remotely and understanding their   ice. The frequent updates, the articles, and
        for students and faculty.            Challenges and successes             needs. At the end of the day, much like in   the reporting were amazing and really con-
          One of the EMHA students, Dr. Shari   over the past year                healthcare, happy staff and faculty   tributed to the success of our local health-
        Robins, MD, Internal Medicine Physician   The biggest challenge Molinet probably   (providers) make for happy and engaged   care community coming together, not as
        at Cleveland Clinic, shares, “I feel as   has seen in the past seven months is how   students (customers).”   competitors, but as collaborators to fight
        though I am in person with my professor   to keep students engaged who otherwise   In speaking with his colleagues, Molinet   the pandemic and assure public safety and
        and the entire class. Even though we are   were expecting to learn in person and   has been so impressed with some of the   health during this unprecedented pan-
        all learning online, our professor keeps the   managing the impact of the pandemic on   innovative techniques they have imple-  demic.”
        class interactive and encourages us to be   student’s lives.              mented to keep students engaged in front
        professional in the way we dress and our   “We work with each student to assure   of a computer. These students had signed   For more information, visit
        overall virtual presence. The guest speak-  their own safety and mental health while   up for on-campus learning but were
        ers that he brings in allow us to interact   at the same time, adapting as a University   unable to do so because of COVID-19.

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