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Miami Dade College - Adjusting to the New Normal
Miami Dade College (MDC) to interview. Students software covers the lifespan, including training provides for improved skills
Medical Campus has been from Den tal, Veterinary specialties such as pediatrics, obstetrics, retention with self-paced and repeatable
hard at work since June 1st Technology, Sonography, and mental health. The scenarios improve learning.
working with students on Radiological Technology, clinical assessment skills and are mapped MDC Medical Campus has just intro-
campus. We had almost EMS, Medical Lab to the licensure exam and help students duced an advanced virtual reality educa-
10,000 students working on Science, and PTA pro- transition into practice. Case studies that tion platform called AnatomyX. Students
laboratory and simulation grams learn through face evolved from the textbook were provided, can explore photorealistic anatomy in
instruction in our Health to face instruction in a allowing students to simulate high-level great detail from real medical imaging
Science programs in June and social distance capacity. skills such as delegation. Students gradu- powered by Magic Leap headset,
July. The classrooms have been The School of Health ated on time and have participated in dif- Lightpack clipped on your pocket, and a
equipped with ceiling-mount- Sciences Nuclear Medi - ferent online technology to identify controller for a new era in healthcare edu-
ed cameras and microphones, cine Technology Program strengths and weaknesses with remedia- cation. Students see the illusion of 3D
which our faculty use to con- BY DR. BRYAN will offer two additional tion, followed by a success coach. Faculty images projected into the real world,
nect with remote learning stu- STEWART courses during the second presented lectures through the Blackboard which you can walk around the room and
dents using Blackboard 8 weeks of the Fall term course sites with lectures presented syn- interact with.
Collaborate Ultra—heightening our tech- along with First Responder and chronously and often taped for further Additional space within the Simulation
nology to include document cameras and Introduction to Healthcare. Additionally, review. Presently as some faculty and stu- Hospital has been outfitted to provide two
writing pads available to support instruc- the Massage Therapy program will offer dents return to campus, telepresence extra Simulation rooms to expand oppor-
tion. Telepresence equipment training and two sections of the Massage Therapy enables social distancing while retaining tunities for training to our healthcare and
one-on-one assistance in the classroom Clinical Practicum course to equip our consistency for all course presentations. education partners.
were provided to our faculty members to students for the workforce. Simulation has been a big part of our The Medical Campus is positioned to
enhance the learning delivery during these The Nursing program has been teaching support for students. The Simulation continue supporting student learning with
unique times. remotely and utilizing online software Hospital has the NEW! CAE VimedixAR face to face lecture and simulation and are
As we ease into some normalcy on cam- since last March. As the nursing shortage high-fidelity simulator accelerates the working closely with our hospital partners
pus, activities are slowly picking up where is critical in most states, and South Florida Ultrasound Learning Process through an to place our students in clinical rotations.
we left off. This Fall semester, we wel- is no exception. Clinical competencies engaging augmented reality solution for Registration for the Spring term begins
comed students from over 21 programs in were met through simulation to ensure the cardiac, lung, abdominal, and OB/Gyn October 26th through January 6th. For
the School of Health Sciences. Students Benjamin Leon School of Nursing contin- ultrasound. With the innovative software more information on the Medical Campus
were excited to be back on campus and ued to provide the qualified graduates the powered by the Microsoft HoloLens and program, contact our New Student Center
following MDC and the CDC safety guide- needed practice, especially during state of the art manikin-based system, stu- at (305) 237-4141 or email madvise-
lines. Our competitive Physician Assistant COVID19. Virtual patient encounters dents develop essential psychomotor and
program will soon begin the selection through iHuman allowed students to par- cognitive skills for ultrasound probe han-
process for the incoming class of 2021, ticipate in a comprehensive history, inter- dling, image interpretation, diagnosis, and Dr. Bryan Stewart is President of Miami
and the top 100 candidates will be invited vention, and evaluation of a patient. This clinical decision making. This type of Dade College's Medical Campus.
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South Florida Hospital News November 2020 15