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        Cover Story:  FAU: Helping to Advance Careers in Today's Competitive Marketplace

        Continued from page 1                                                                                         tions, IT and other professionals who nav-
                                                                                                                      igate everything from registering students
        A diverse selection                                                                                           for their classes, to individualized career
        of academic programs                                                                                          planning, to customized IT support and
          With more than 60 programs, FAU                                                                             we even order textbooks delivered to those
        Executive Education has the most diver-                                                                       students who elect that service. When we
        sified selection of national and interna-                                                                     are back on campus, we will resume our
        tional certification programs in South                                                                        amazing catered lunches that provide an
        Florida. Each year, over 2,000 individu-                                                                      opportunity for students to relax in the
        als look to FAU to develop a specialized                                                                      middle of their day of learning and net-
        skillset, gain deeper understanding of a                                                                      work with other students in their class,
        business function, better their work per-                                                                     professors and industry leaders.”
        formance, or diversify their expertise.                                                                         According to Molinet, the new state-of-
        Conveniently delivered through online,                                                                        the-art $23 million College of Business
        evening, weekend or boot camp formats,                                                                        Executive Education facility in the
        courses are taught by subject matter                                                                          Schmidt Family Complex for Academic &
        experts who impart immediate and rele-  FAU EMHA students visit Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital to meet with their leadership   Athletic Excellence is an amazing facility
        vant knowledge helping to improve par-     team and tour the facility prior to COVID -19. They hope to resume similar   with the latest technology for learning.
        ticipant marketability.                         activities when safe to do so.  PHOTO CREDIT:  RUDY MOLINET, FAU   “We are excited to welcome our stu-
          “Our certified Medical Business                                                                             dents back in January to learn in our new
        Management programs cover in-demand   world for female participants in Executive   work with healthcare leaders in their com-  executive facilities,” he says.
        skills: legal, regulatory, and compliance   Education and No. 8 in the U.S. for quality   munities leading to relationships that help   Most of the Executive Education faculty
        practices, medical office operations, anato-  of participants.            them throughout their whole career,” says   are still active in their fields; students value
        my, terminology, billing and coding,” says                                Molinet. “We also encourage our students   learning from leaders who are engaged in
        Molinet.                             Advantages of the                    to transition to full ACHE membership as   business and understand the current envi-
          FAU Executive Education is a recog-  healthcare-related programs        soon as they are eligible, so they can pur-  ronment. These industry leaders work in
        nized leader of Professional Development   At FAU, its Executive Master in   sue their board certification in healthcare   collaboration with a strong and accom-
        programs ranking No. 1 in both Florida   Healthcare Administration (EMHA) pro-  administration by earning the FACHE cre-  plished academic faculty. They are AACSB
        and the Southeast U.S. and No. 11 nation-  gram focuses on student success both aca-  dential. Our EMHA program is offered   accredited, a prestigious accreditation that
        ally and No. 59 globally in the Financial   demically and in the real-world. For the   online and in person, so students from all   only 5% of business schools offer. Having
        Times Executive Rankings. The Financial   past three semesters, they’ve encouraged   over the country can benefit. We recently   the Executive MHA program housed in
        Times ranks the top 75 universities around   new EMHA students to become involved   added the National Association of Health   the School of Business provides students
        the world; in this year’s rankings, only 15   with and join the American College of   Service Executives (NAHSE) to the profes-  with an added level of knowledge and
        percent are U.S. schools. These rankings   Healthcare Executives (ACHE) by FAU   sional organizations that our students will   sophistication.
        are determined by student feedback,   paying for their student dues.      be working with.”                     “This is different than other schools in
        course design, faculty, teaching methods   “Covering the membership costs   In addition, FAU instituted an EMHA   the area, “explains Molinet. “With the
        and facilities. FAU also ranked No. 4 in the   enables our students to interact and net-  Leadership Bootcamp that Molinet teaches   complexities of healthcare reimbursement,
                                                                                  to bring in speakers from industry to dis-
                                                                                  cuss and teach students about current   changing systems including value-based
                                                                                  issues in healthcare. This class has been   pricing, a global pandemic and other chal-
                                                                                  extremely relevant and valuable during the   lenges, we equip our students to learn
                                                                                                                      about the ‘business of healthcare’ while
                                                                                  COVID-19 pandemic. The local healthcare
               '  "                ()   *  #                                      community has been very generous in pre-  providing the fundamentals of patient
                                                                                                                      experience and excellence in patient care.”
                                                                                  senting to the students. Anyone in leader-
                    +    ""      ,-     "                                         ship who would like to be a speaker can   In fact, one of the faculty, Dr. Andrew
                                                                                  contact him at     Gallan, is one of the foremost authorities
                                                                                   “We are always looking for new speak-  on patient experience in the country. They
                                                                                  ers to increase our students’ exposure to   also have former hospital CEOs such as
                                                                                                                      Dr. Sal Barbera and Ms. Chantal Leconte
                                                                                       role models for leadership,” Molinet   on the faculty, in addition to industry
                                                                                        explains. “We also teach students valuable   experts including Rene Zipper and Dr.
                                                                         !              business skills such as Achieving   Sam Lin, a retired Assistant Surgeon
                 "                                                                Executive Presence, Personal Branding,   General of the United States, and Dr. Alan
                                                                                  Advanced PowerPoint, Excel, Strategic
                                                                                  Planning and others.”               Whiteman who has extensive experience
                          ! #              $       ! %                             The Bootcamp emphasizes real-world   in consulting.
               !                                                                  experiences and interaction with leaders.   “My background was in the C-suite and
                                                                                  There have been a number of activities   senior leadership roles in a number of
                      & !         !            !         !      !                 including a field trip to Joe DiMaggio   industries including home healthcare, hos-
             '         (        !        )  !      !           !         *     +      Children’s Hospital where students met   pice, specialty pharmacy, and executive
             ,     !   +         -   +        .        +     *        !      !     with C-Suite leaders, toured the facility,   coaching,” says Molinet.
                    ! !                     !          !                 -   !      and learned about the special work done   The aspect of their program that matters
                   -       !                  !    #     $      !                   by the staff at this hospital. The trips are   most, in Molinet’s opinion, is the student
                                                                                                                      experience and the different student-cen-
               !     !                  !         !    $    !                     on hold now due to COVID-19, but they   tric programs they offer in addition to the
                              !    !!          !        !                        $   hope to resume them whenever it’s safe to   academic rigor they are known for. In the
                                                                                  do so.
               !    "        "    #  $        " %            &                     The school offers an Executive MBA and   Executive Education family, they view stu-
                                                                                  Professional MBA program with various   dents as “customers” and strive to provide
                           $        !                  /                      !                                       a high level of personalized customer care.
                                                                                  concentrations, including healthcare. The
                                         !         !                 !               "                                They offer a customized mentoring pro-
                                                                                  Executive MBA is for more seasoned pro-
                                                                                  fessionals. The Professional MBA program   gram called the Faculty Ambassador
                                                                                  is tailored to younger students, and they   Program where newly admitted EMHA
                                                                                                                      students are paired with a professor who
                                                                                  develop curricula to help these young   acts as their mentor throughout their FAU
                                                                                  future leaders succeed.
                                                                                   “One of the aspects of our FAU     career and beyond.
                                                                            !      Executive programs that sets us apart from   “Our student’s mental health is of the
                     "                                   #!$%!! %&'(&             other universities is the personalized   utmost importance to our Executive
                                                                                                                      Education family especially during the
                                            )                                     attention we provide our students,” adds
                                                                                  Molinet. “We offer ‘concierge-level servic-  pandemic,” says Molinet. “We have a
                                                                                  es’ so our students only need to focus on   dynamic counseling center on campus
                                                                                  learning. We offer a dedicated team of   available free of charge to students.
                                                                                  advising, admissions, financial aid, opera-     Continued on following page

         12                        November 2020                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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