P. 16
University of Miami – Moving Forward
The students, alumni, the administration’s response Scientific on health care innovation via dig- 6773.13283. The faculty collaborated with
faculty, supporters, and staff to the pandemic nationally ital technology, and with VITAS on build- Harvard University to share their insights
in the Department of and in Latin America. ing a career in a post-pandemic world. on the issue of food insecurity and drivers
Health Management and On October 30, 2020, our The department’s membership in the of health in October, and it is not too late
Policy at the University of Center for Health Manage - Business School Alliance for Healthcare to join them in a discussion on this issue
Miami Herbert Business ment and Policy held a global Management (BAHM) enabled students to on November 5, 2020:
School have shown remark- virtual conference: “The access COVID-19 panels with business
able resilience during the Business of Health Care: The leaders and scholars conducted all around 205359823426807051?source=SFNews
COVID-19 pandemic. The Social, Political & Economic the world. The department hosted a BAHM This glimpse into a sample of the rich set
University of Miami suc- Determinants of Health.” panel with experts from Florida Blue, the of activities occurring in our programs sug-
cessfully navigated reopen- Hundreds of participants from President of the South Florida Hospital & gests that the reach of the Department of
ing campus through strict around the world joined to Healthcare Association, and the Senior Health Management and Policy is local,
adherence to public health BY KAROLINE hear experts engage in conver- Vice President of Jackson Health System in national, and global. Our faculty have been
practices, with extraordi- MORTENSEN sations around building a bet- July, while South Florida was a hotspot. collaborating with the Global Business
nary success due to the ter normal after the pandemic, The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted School Network (GBSN) on roundtables
compliance and engagement of our stu- with an emphasis on diversity and inclu- the impact and importance of the research and their upcoming virtual conference to
dents, faculty, and staff. sion. As in years prior, this signature event that our faculty conduct. The Nobel Peace engage academic leadership around the
The curricula offered in our undergradu- is the only time that the Presidents and prize was recently awarded to the World world on how to build more inclusive soci-
ate, Health Executive Master in Business senior leadership from the major organiza- Food Program for its global efforts to eties.
Administration, and Master in Health tions in the health care sector convene. Top achieve a world without hunger. At the The health care sector will feel the
Administration programs pivoted to virtual leadership from America’s Health same time, the devastating economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for
learning and immediately integrated expert Insurance Plans, the American Medical impacts of COVID-19 have led to more many years to come. Leading through this
insight on the COVID-19 pandemic. Association, the American Hos pital hungry families around the globe, includ- uncertainty has challenges. The mission of
Webinars were held with Congresswoman Association, the Medical Group ing here in the United States. COVID-19 Miami Herbert Business School resonates
and former Health and Human Services Management Association, the Healthcare has led to a surge in US households expe- now more than ever: to develop innovative
Secretary Donna Shalala, incoming Miami- Financial Management Association, the riencing various levels of food insecurity, ideas and principled leaders that transform
Dade County Commissioner Rene Garcia, American Nurses Association, and Florida defined as a lack of consistent access to global business and society.
medical ethics expert Kenneth Goodman, Blue joined for a keynote panel discussion enough food for an active, healthy life.
Chair of the Medicare Payment Advisory on Health Care Access, People, and Policy: In 2018, 12% of American households Karoline Mortensen is an Associate
Commission Michael Chernew, among COVID-19 and Beyond. University of reported that they were food insecure, but Professor in the Department of Health
numerous other experts, to discuss the Miami President Julio Frenk, Miami Her - this rate has nearly doubled since the Management and Policy at the University of
impact of COVID-19 and the reimagining bert Business School Dean John Quelch, COVID-19 pandemic began. Several facul- Miami Herbert Business School. She is
of health care after the pandemic. The Miller School of Medicine Henri Ford, and ty members coauthored a study on the rela- Associate Director of the Center for Health
Miami Herbert Business School’s virtual other renowned experts shared their tionships between food insecurity and Management and Policy, and was the founding
distinguished leaders lecture series fea- insight with students and conference atten- health care expenditures and utilization, Director of the Master in Health
tured a conversation with U.S. Secretary of dees. Networking events for students available to read at no cost: https://onlineli- Administration (MHA) program. For more
Health and Human Services Alex Azar on included conversations with Boston information, visit
South University Launches
No-Cost Contact Tracing Course
South University recently launched an online
Contact Tracing course available to the public at no
cost. This training is available for those seeking
employment to expand this much needed workforce,
in support of public health agencies as they increase
their workforce to conduct contact tracing.
“At South University, we were aware of the pressure
public health workers and agencies were under long
before COVID-19 began,” said Dr. Jason Robertson,
Chair of the Public Health programs in the South
University College of Nursing and Public Health. “As
COVID-19 spread, we knew from practice partners Brian McAulay
that training for contact tracing was needed for the
public health workforce that could quickly and efficiently assist a wide variety of
public health agencies.”
While many states have launched a large-scale effort to train contract tracers,
this course is available nationally with the guidelines set forth by the Center for
Isn’t it time for an independent expert opinion Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA.
“South University is excited to offer this program at no charge to individuals
on your malpractice insurance coverage? keen to help in the Covid-19 pandemic, by providing them with the knowledge to
work with public health agencies in countering the spread of the virus.” Brian
Not all policies are created equally. There are many factors to consider when
McAulay, South University’s Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
shopping for your malpractice insurance – proper liability limits, tails, triggers, Students will take mini-assessments throughout the course and a final assess-
retroactive coverage, regulatory and cyber protection, purchasing programs... the ment at the end.
options are daunting, and the wrong fit can be disastrous to your practice.
Participants who receive a score of 80% or better on each assessment will receive
a non-credit bearing certificate of completion that they can download and use to
As independent agents specializing in malpractice insurance placement, we are strong verify their completed training. To date, over 900 individuals have participated in
enough within the malpractice insurance marketplace to fully and competently ne-
the course, so far.
gotiate the best coverage and pricing for you with the top insurers in the state.
Call Danna-Gracey at 800.966.2120 for a no-obligation You can register and explore what it takes to conduct a contact-tracing interview at
assessment of your current malpractice insurance or visit
policy. Your practice is worth it.
Delray: 54 SE Sixth Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483 • 800.966.2120 • Fax 888.235.5008
Orlando: 541 Lake Como Circle, Orlando , FL 32803 • 888.496.0059 • Fax 407.896.0079 E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to
Delray Beach • Jacksonville • Miami • Orlando • Panama City •
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16 November 2020 South Florida Hospital News