Page 29 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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BORN IN BOSTON: LOCAL ADDITIVE MANUFACTUR- companies like us have been using the 3D printer to launch kickstart-
ING INNOVATIONS SHAPING THE WORLD er campaigns and new products.

Boston has long been a city on the forefront of innovation. This Biography: Ian Ferguson is lead engineer at Formlabs where he
session will highlight some of the recent local innovations that are designs high-resolution desktop 3D printers for professional
redefining the concept of modern manufacturing. engineers, designers and makers. He has helped the company grow
from a fledgling 3D printing startup to a 100 person team . In that time
Formlabs has had an almost three million dollar Kickstarter campaign,
Grant Thomas-Lepore
shipped two 3D printers, been featured in a Netflix documentary and
GRABCAD has figured out what it takes to build a precision machine tool and ship
it to customers. Ian is passionate about what it takes to design, build
and manufacture great products. He gets excited talking about issues
from industrial and mechanical design down to embedded software.
Before Formlabs Ian was with Bossa Nova Robotics where he
HOW SOFTWARE AND THE CLOUD ARE REVOLUTION- developed connected toys, and before that worked on projects such
as the DARPA Urban Challenge making autonomous cars. Ian holds
3D printing spent much of the 90’s and 00’s as a specialized tool for only a a B.S.E in mechanical engineering from Princeton and a M.S.E. in
few niche applications, held back from entering the greater prototyping and robotics from the University of Pennsylvania.
manufacturing industry largely due to physical limitations in print quality,
material properties, speed, and more. Such limitations necessitated an
intense focus in the industry on improving hardware and materials. Daniel Oliver
However, this had the unintentional side effect of keeping 3D printing Voxel8
software almost completely insulated from the greater disruptions
improving software in other industries: the cloud, the SaaS business model,
the “consumerization” of business software, and more. But with the
explosion of 3D printing in the last few years this dynamic has changed, and
software now needs to keep up. At GrabCAD, one of the largest communi - MOVING 3D PRINTING TO FINISHED PRODUCTS
ties of mechanical engineers in the world and recently acquired by the 3D Voxel8 is disrupting the design and manufacturing of electronic
printing company Stratasys, we are uniquely positioned to observe a devices with a 3D printing platform that enables users to move beyond
number of trends sweeping the engineering and 3D printing software the prototype printing phase. The massive customization enabled by
world. In this talk, I’ll explore a number of those trends and highlight a few Voxel8 can quickly create devices in new form factors without the cost
exciting examples of companies and individuals leading the charge.
and waste of the traditional tooling, inventory and supply chain.
Biography: Grant Thomas-Lepore balances engineering expertise with a
keen visual eye. Experienced in product management, CAD manufacturing, Biography: Daniel Oliver is a former systems engineer with Honey-
and software development, Grant managed thousands of CAD files at well Aerospace and founder of Intelligent Mobility International, a
Boston start-up Gemvara before moving to GrabCAD to create the social entrepreneurship enterprise he established to provide
GrabCAD Workbench—the world’s easiest CAD file management tool. long-lasting, low-cost wheelchairs throughout the world. After
With Stratasys’ acquisition of GrabCAD, he is excited to bring innovation to earning his MBA from the Harvard Business School, Dan was a
3D printing software. He holds a patent and a mechanical engineering BSE Blavatnik Fellow, where he spent a year commercializing science
degree from the University of Pennsylvania. When he’s not coming up with from the Lewis Lab. Dan received his B.S. in mechanical engineering
creative product features, Grant can be found playing competitive ultimate from the California Institute of Technology.
frisbee, backpacking, or skiing.

FormLabs Wednesday, August 5
8:00AM – 9:30AM
Location: Auditorium, Level 2

The focus of this presentation will be on the technical side of how
products are designed at Formlabs using the Form 1+ and how This panel session will bring together the pioneers of the additive
industry along with those advancing the technology to the next level

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