Page 31 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
P. 31

AVT KEYNOTE Within the context of the process, two tools will be discussed. The
Advanced Collaborative System Optimization Modeler (ACSOM) will
Monday, August 3 be discussed in term of the characterization of system inputs resulting
SESSION: AVT 8-1 from billions of combinations of candidate subsystems across the
10:00AM – 11:40AM vehicle systems. The use of search optimization techniques for
Location: Room 309, Level 3 discerning the pareto “efficient frontier” will be discussed. As well, the
use of the commercially-available Logical Decisions for Windows
(LDW) will be explained. The application of Multi-Attribute Utility
Steven M. Franz Analysis (MAUA) using LDW will be shown as well as the interaction
of decision-makers within the stakeholder conference.
General Dynamics Land Systems
As a practical application, an example from a previous military
program will be used to show the process and the outcomes.

BALANCED COMBAT VEHICLE DESIGN USING Biography: Steve Franz was named Senior Director of Advanced
NON-LINEAR OPTIMIZATION AND MULTI-ATTRIBUTE Programs for General Dynamics Land Systems in June of 2014. In his
new role, Steve has overall program management responsibility for
Abstract: This keynote speech will talk to the use of a structured the Future Fighting Vehicle (FFV) program. Steve is also responsible
decision-making process for the selection of vehicle subsystems for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV 2.0) contract effort, the
within a combat vehicle design. The presentation will address how the company’s robotics program portfolio, and all Contract Research and
design team applies an integrated set of tools and methods selected Development (CRAD) activities. Steve joined General Dynamics
from Decision Analysis, Structured Decision Making (Trade Study or Land Systems, a subsidiary of General Dynamics Corporation, in July
Analysis of Alternatives), Risk Management, and Operations of 1991 as a Project Engineer for Structures and Armor, and has
Research Modeling and Simulation (M&S). System-level decisions continued to be promoted into positions of increasing responsibility
can include a communications network, fleet of vehicles or watercraft, within the company. With more than 25 years of engineering and
and port (air, land, sea) security concepts; decisions at the subsys- design experience, Steve has worked extensively on combat vehicle
tem-level can include the selection of software packages, weapons, development programs for the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps.
equipment, and resources. Before joining General Dynamics Land Systems, Steve served five
years in the Army as an infantry officer, and two years as an engineer
This process describes how GDLS approaches the problem of for General Motors Corporation’s Military Vehicles Operation. Franz
achieving balanced design in a system. The process can be general- also served nine years as an infantry officer with the National Guard in
ized for use on any “system” or “system-of-systems” involving Indiana and Minnesota. Born in Alton, Illinois, Steve earned a
hardware and/or software.
bachelor’s degree from the United States Military Academy at West
1. Identify driving requirements and gain Voice of the Customer. Point in Highlands, New York in 1984, with a concentration on
Weapon Systems Engineering. He completed a master’s degree in
2. Identify performance and burden evaluation criteria.
mechanical engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in
3. Identify subsystems to be traded and options for each. Atlanta, Georgia in 1988.
4. Characterize subsystem options (generate/consolidate data).
5. Identify candidate system alternatives.

6. Conduct operational effectiveness analysis on candidate system
7. Select preferred system alternative:

a. Finalize evaluation criteria and conduct additional system-level
analysis to finalize data.
b. Elicit importance weights and utility curves from stakeholders
for each evaluation criteria.
8. Conduct final SE review to verify subsystem-to-system integration
and requirements compliance; generate report and brief customer.

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