Page 33 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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CIE KEYNOTE He has been studying virtual reality since joining Tom Furness’
HITLab in 1993. He studied “virtual reality monitoring” and tactile
Monday, August 3 augmentation, the use of real objects to enhance the realism of virtual
SESSION: CIE-32 VES – I, ME, MINE INTERFACES & VES objects (including mixed reality virtual chocolate bars and that can be
2:00PM – 3:40PM physically eaten). Hoffman has helped pioneer the use of VR to help
Location: Room 312, Level 3 treat patients for phobias (SpiderWorld) and civilian Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (e.g, the World Trade Center World). Hoffman and
clinical burn researcher Dave Patterson co-originated and spear-
Hunter Hoffman headed the use of the technique of using immersive virtual reality to
distract severe burn patients during painful wound care procedures.
VR Analgesia Research Center Hoffman designed SnowWorld, the first virtual world designed for
University of Washington pain distraction, which also became an immersive Smithsonian
National Museum of Design Triennial exhibition. To study the effects
of VR on brain activity, Hoffman et al. designed a pair of photonic
OCULUS RIFT AND BEYOND: ENGINEERING MEETS fiberoptic wide field of view fMRI magnet friendly VR goggles.
VIRTUAL REALITY Hoffman and Magula also designed water-friendly VR goggles with
robot-like arm goggle holder to distract severe burn patients during
Abstract: The essence of immersive virtual reality is the illusion of wound care in the ICU tubroom at Shriners Galveston (clinical study in
going inside the computer generated world as if it is a place you are progress). Hoffman was named one of FastCompany magazines
visiting. The essence of augmented virtual reality is to integrate “Fast 50” innovators of the next 10 years.
digital images into the real world.
Hoffman’s research has been published in peer reviewed journals in a
Immersive virtual reality is proving to be a powerful non-pharmaco- number of disciplines. He published an article in Scientific American,
logic distraction for children with large severe burns during wound and his research has been featured in popular main stream science
care, and Virtual Reality (in combination with conventional treatment) news documentaries such as Scientific American Frontiers with Alan
can help improve therapeutic outcome of patient being treated for Alda, and NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.
very serious psychological problems such as Post-Traumatic Stress

Smart phone display technology (e.g., iPhone) has caught on and DAC/EGD/DEC KEYNOTES
quickly changed the world. Now, e.g., using Smartphone display Tuesday, August 4
screens for the VR goggles, Samsung, Facebook, Sony and
Microsoft, Magic Leep, and video game companies are investing SESSION: DAC-19-1
billions into making immersive virtual worlds and augmented reality 9:30AM – 11:10AM
widely available to mainstream the mainstream public in mass Location: Room 102, Level 1
quantities (i.e., especially for “gamer” consumers but also a wide
range of other applications).
As a result, powerful “new” immersive VR display technologies are
becoming widely available in 2016, almost before the technology is This Design Automation Committee (DAC) keynote is co-organized
ready. Very low cost VR goggles (e.g., $1,500) are quickly improving with Engineering for Global Development (EGD) at ASME with
and may eventually surpass in immersive quality the $35,000 co-sponsorship from the Design Education Committee (DEC). The
traditional wide field of view VR helmets currently available. event will feature two international speakers renowned in the EGD
space. Prof. Mugendi M’Rithaa (South Africa) and Dr. Mohammad Bilal
Engineering can contribute to the successful scramble to make virtual Khan (Pakistan) will provide invaluable perspectives from emerging
reality convincing without significant side effects e.g., cybersickness, economies and will discuss the critical roles of design automation, design
and virtual reality has potential as a powerful new tool for engineers. education, and engineering design in the global development context.
In the panel discussion that follows this keynote we will get the The keynote will conclude with a series of lightning talks from members of
audience’s ideas about engineering applications of immersive VR DAC and EGD communities, discussing some of the foremost research
technology. challenges and trends in engineering for global development.

Biography: Hunter Hoffman conducted pre-graduate research on
Reality Monitoring at Princeton University, was a co-recipient of the
Satava Award for Medical Applications of Virtual Reality, and was
named one of the top “fast 50” innovators of the next 10 years.

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