Page 34 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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Mugendi K. M’Rithaa established project sequence of design, synthesis, measurement and
analysis. The aim is to generate a shared understanding and strength of
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
purpose that transcends the monotony of repetition and thus increase the
intellectual and creative capital of the scientific community. The lack of
“human factor” is identified as the major impediment to technical prowess
and mankind has failed to realize the true potential of the universe despite
DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT: AFRICAN ASPIRATIONS huge investments. New renewables are hardly 3% of world energy
IN CONTEXT matrix, our solar cell is only 20% efficient, the high density fuel combus -
tion platforms reach peak efficiencies of 30-40%, the wind corridors are
Abstract: Africa is the world’s second largest continent with some of imploringly waiting exploitation all while the oceans beseech for viable
the fastest growing economies globally. Whereas the continent is richly hydrogen production. The CO2 emissions, our own handiwork, are
endowed with natural resources and a predominantly youthful popula - pleading for conversion to clean and green liquid fuel at affordable cost.
tion, many parts of the continent have stagnated or retrogressed from a
developmental point of view. Additionally, the inherent advantages of In this talk, five design examples are shared on breakthrough
harnessing design agency to catalyze this dynamic and promising technologies in the areas of interface engineering, ablatives, intelligent
region’s developmental imperatives has yet to be fully realized. viscoelastic systems, photonic device nanostructures, and fast track
biofuels. The design concept and evaluation of breadboard systems is
Drawing on the speaker’s own experience as a denizen of the continent, presented to demonstrate the feasibility of these technology demon-
this presentation explores the Africa’s myriad experimentations with a strators that find widespread applications in aerospace, renewable
design for development agenda whilst concomitantly interrogating the energy, photonics and blast mitigation strategies.
opportunities and challenges for mainstreaming an arguably more
progressive ethos of sustainable development via a designer lens.
Further, a number of profitable collaborations have emerged wherein Biography: Dr. Mohammad Bilal Khan is the founding Principal/Dean of
designers, engineers and allied professionals have pooled their intellec- the USAID-funded Center for Advanced Studies at NUST. Dr. Khan has
tual capital on projects of socio-economic significance.
worked across four continents on diverse projects ranging from energy
Keywords: Africa; Design for Development; Design for Sustainabili- systems to machine design to high-performance composites. He has
ty; Industrial Design; Participatory Design, Sustainable Development been actively involved in advanced research in the areas of renewable
Goals; World Design Capital 2014 energy, aerospace materials and interface engineering. He previously
served as a consultant to the US Department of Energy and Pakistan Air
Force. Dr. Khan is a member of the Higher Education Commission
Biography: Prof. Mugendi K. M’Rithaa is an industrial designer, educator Experts Review Committee, co-chair of the Energy Sector Corporate
and researcher at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Advisory Council NUST and chairman of the YMK educational
in Cape Town, South Africa. Mugendi is passionate about various foundation. He is also a member of the core energy group constituted by
expressions of socially responsive and responsible design, including the Ministry of Science and Technology. He serves on the governing
Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability, Participatory Design, boards of several public and private universities. He is a recipient of the
and Universal Design. He has a special interest in the pivotal role of UK ORS award. In recognition to his meritorious services to the country,
design in advancing the developmental agenda on the African continent Dr. Khan has been awarded the President’s Medal for Technology.
and beyond. He is associated with a number of international networks
focusing on design within industrially developing/majority world
contexts, and is currently the President-Elect of the International Council LIGHTNING TALKS
of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid)—the body responsible for Stephen Harston
protecting and promoting the profession of industrial design globally.
Title: The Design, Testing and Implementation of a
Lifesaving Product in the Developing World
Mohammad Bilal Khan
Abstract: There exist places in industry with the
National University of Sciences and Technology sole purpose of researching and developing
innovative solutions to address needs at the bottom of the economic
pyramid. Illustrated with real world examples, this talk will discuss the
challenges and successes of designing, validating, manufacturing
and monitoring products that are in use and impacting the lives of
COMPLEMENTARY RESEARCH CONCEPTS AND those in the developing world. One such product that will be dis-
cussed is the development of Arktec, an extremely efficient and
Abstract: A new paradigm in research comprising insight, imagination, passive cold-storage device designed to keep vaccines cold for a
reinventing thinking and correlation is introduced to supplement the month by using only 10lbs of ice.
Mugendi K. M’Rithaa established project sequence of design, synthesis, measurement and
analysis. The aim is to generate a shared understanding and strength of
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
purpose that transcends the monotony of repetition and thus increase the
intellectual and creative capital of the scientific community. The lack of
“human factor” is identified as the major impediment to technical prowess
and mankind has failed to realize the true potential of the universe despite
DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT: AFRICAN ASPIRATIONS huge investments. New renewables are hardly 3% of world energy
IN CONTEXT matrix, our solar cell is only 20% efficient, the high density fuel combus -
tion platforms reach peak efficiencies of 30-40%, the wind corridors are
Abstract: Africa is the world’s second largest continent with some of imploringly waiting exploitation all while the oceans beseech for viable
the fastest growing economies globally. Whereas the continent is richly hydrogen production. The CO2 emissions, our own handiwork, are
endowed with natural resources and a predominantly youthful popula - pleading for conversion to clean and green liquid fuel at affordable cost.
tion, many parts of the continent have stagnated or retrogressed from a
developmental point of view. Additionally, the inherent advantages of In this talk, five design examples are shared on breakthrough
harnessing design agency to catalyze this dynamic and promising technologies in the areas of interface engineering, ablatives, intelligent
region’s developmental imperatives has yet to be fully realized. viscoelastic systems, photonic device nanostructures, and fast track
biofuels. The design concept and evaluation of breadboard systems is
Drawing on the speaker’s own experience as a denizen of the continent, presented to demonstrate the feasibility of these technology demon-
this presentation explores the Africa’s myriad experimentations with a strators that find widespread applications in aerospace, renewable
design for development agenda whilst concomitantly interrogating the energy, photonics and blast mitigation strategies.
opportunities and challenges for mainstreaming an arguably more
progressive ethos of sustainable development via a designer lens.
Further, a number of profitable collaborations have emerged wherein Biography: Dr. Mohammad Bilal Khan is the founding Principal/Dean of
designers, engineers and allied professionals have pooled their intellec- the USAID-funded Center for Advanced Studies at NUST. Dr. Khan has
tual capital on projects of socio-economic significance.
worked across four continents on diverse projects ranging from energy
Keywords: Africa; Design for Development; Design for Sustainabili- systems to machine design to high-performance composites. He has
ty; Industrial Design; Participatory Design, Sustainable Development been actively involved in advanced research in the areas of renewable
Goals; World Design Capital 2014 energy, aerospace materials and interface engineering. He previously
served as a consultant to the US Department of Energy and Pakistan Air
Force. Dr. Khan is a member of the Higher Education Commission
Biography: Prof. Mugendi K. M’Rithaa is an industrial designer, educator Experts Review Committee, co-chair of the Energy Sector Corporate
and researcher at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Advisory Council NUST and chairman of the YMK educational
in Cape Town, South Africa. Mugendi is passionate about various foundation. He is also a member of the core energy group constituted by
expressions of socially responsive and responsible design, including the Ministry of Science and Technology. He serves on the governing
Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability, Participatory Design, boards of several public and private universities. He is a recipient of the
and Universal Design. He has a special interest in the pivotal role of UK ORS award. In recognition to his meritorious services to the country,
design in advancing the developmental agenda on the African continent Dr. Khan has been awarded the President’s Medal for Technology.
and beyond. He is associated with a number of international networks
focusing on design within industrially developing/majority world
contexts, and is currently the President-Elect of the International Council LIGHTNING TALKS
of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid)—the body responsible for Stephen Harston
protecting and promoting the profession of industrial design globally.
Title: The Design, Testing and Implementation of a
Lifesaving Product in the Developing World
Mohammad Bilal Khan
Abstract: There exist places in industry with the
National University of Sciences and Technology sole purpose of researching and developing
innovative solutions to address needs at the bottom of the economic
pyramid. Illustrated with real world examples, this talk will discuss the
challenges and successes of designing, validating, manufacturing
and monitoring products that are in use and impacting the lives of
COMPLEMENTARY RESEARCH CONCEPTS AND those in the developing world. One such product that will be dis-
cussed is the development of Arktec, an extremely efficient and
Abstract: A new paradigm in research comprising insight, imagination, passive cold-storage device designed to keep vaccines cold for a
reinventing thinking and correlation is introduced to supplement the month by using only 10lbs of ice.