Page 11 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Welcome Letters



Welcome to the 43rd ASME Design Automation Conference (DAC)!

The DAC technical program spans the breadth and depth of design automation research. After a rigorous peer review process, 113 papers in
19 active research areas were accepted this year to the conference (approximate acceptance rate of 73%).

In addition to our technical sessions, we will be hosting a keynote symposium under the theme “Data-Driven Design.” Co-organized by Kemper
Lewis and Scott Ferguson, the symposium will feature internationally recognized keynote speakers in a mix of seminars and lightning talks,
followed by an interactive Q&A session, focusing on the engineering design challenges associated with data-driven design and design analytics.

We will also be presenting the Ford Best Paper Award of the DAC at the beginning of the symposium; this year’s winner is DETC2017-67643:
“Bayesian Network Structure Optimization for Improved Design Space Mapping for Design Exploration with Materials Design Applications,”
by Conner Sharpe, Clinton Morris, Benjamin Goldsberry, Carolyn Seepersad and Michael Haberman (DAC 11-1).

Also, please join us for our DAC committee meeting on Tuesday evening. This year, we will feature a warm dinner buffet during our meeting,
so please do not make any other dinner plans! We look forward to having our community come together, meet old friends and make new ones.

From the accepted papers, nine were identified as “Papers of Distinction.” These papers of distinction (excluding the paper that won the
Best Paper Award) are listed below (ordered by paper number and including the assigned session):

• DETC2017-67319: “Design of a Reconfigurable Dynamic Testbed        • DETC2017-68173: “Exploration of Solution Space to Study Thermo-
   for Co-Design Method Validation,” by A. Deshmukh, D. Lohan and      mechanical Behavior of AA5083 Al-Alloy During Hot Rolling
   J. Allison (DAC 2-1)                                                Process,” by A. Nellippallil, R. Shukla, S. Ardham, G. Goh, J. Allen
                                                                       and F. Mistree (DAC 19-2)
• DETC2017-67500: “Product Family and Product Platfrom Bench-
   marking with Commonality and Variety Indices,” by T. Simpson     • DETC2017-68302: “A Design Methodology for a Flexible Wind
   (DAC 17-1)                                                          Turbine Blade with an Actively Variable Twist Distribution to Increase
                                                                       Region 2 Efficiency,” by H. Nejadkhaki and J. Hall (DAC 5-1)
• DETC2017-67909: “Iterative Most Probable Point Search Method
   for Problems with Mixture of Random and Interval Variables,” by  • DETC2017-68309: “Modeling Shear Performance of High-Speed
   H. Cho and K. Choi (DAC 19-1)                                       Ridged Nail In Aluminum Joints,” by S. Siripurapu and A. Luscher
                                                                       (DAC 11-2)
• DETC2017-67976: “Enhanced Gaussian Process Metamodeling
   and Collaborative Optimization for Vehicle Suspension Design     • DETC2017-68373: “Concept Drift and Evolution Detection in Fusion
   Optimization,” by S. Tao, K. Shintani, R. Bostanabad, Y. Chan,      Diagnosis With Evolving Data Streams,” by A. Abdolsamadi and
   G. Yang, H. Meingast and W. Chen (DAC 16-1)                         P. Wang (DAC 8-2)

Authors from our community will present these and many other excellent papers throughout the conference. We encourage you to support your
colleagues by attending the presentations and joining in the discourse!

Last, but surely not least: organizing the conference requires the assistance of a number of individuals. We are particularly grateful to all session
organizers and paper review coordinators:

James Allison, Diego Andrade, Jesse Austin-Breneman, Amy Bilton, Mark Bryden, Matt Campbell, Wei Chen, Shikui Chen, Seung-Kyum Choi,
Souma Chowdhury, Charlotte deVries, Guang Dong, Xiaoping Du, Bryony DuPont, Georges Fadel, Scott Ferguson, Wentao Fu, Paul Grogan,
James Guest, John Hall, Babak Heydari, Chris Hoyle, Chao Hu, Zhen Hu, Horea Ilies, Nathan Johnson, Ritesh Khire, Ikjin Lee, Kemper Lewis,
Mian Li, Po Ting Lin, Matt Lynch, Nordica MacCarthy, Erin Macdonald, Christopher Mattson, Ali Mehmani, Seung Ki Moon, Beshoy Morkos,
Zissimos Mourelatos, Saigopal Necaturi, Julian Norato, Andrew Olewnik, Jitesh Panchal, Matt Parkinson, Rahul Renu, Carolyn Seepersad,
Daniel Selva, Kristi Shea, Tim Simpson, Andres Tovar, Conrad Tucker, Cameron Turner, Christopher Vermillion, Krishna Vijayaragharan,
Pingfeng Wang, Yan Wang, Katie Whitefoot, Christopher Williams, Zhimin Xi, Hongyi Xu, Nita Yodo, Jie Zhang

On behalf of the entire DAC community, we welcome you to Cleveland and another enjoyable and thought-provoking Design Automation

Chair                   Program Chair                                                                                                                  11
Harrison Kim            Christopher Mattson
University of Illinois  Brigham Young University
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