Page 6 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 6

Food Functions & Networking Activities


   BREAKFASTS                                                                               RECEPTIONS

   Please join our sponsors, conference organizers and division leadership                  FUTURE-ME SOCIAL MEETUP FEATURING BEST PRACTICES FOR
   each morning at 7:00am near the “Registration Foyer” for lite refreshments.              NETWORKING
   Network with you fellow attendees and discuss new ideas, programs and
   activities.                                                                                                                                               Sunday, 5:30pm–7:00pm
                                                                                                                                                              Location: Room 26 A&B
   Badges Required. Guests not permitted.                                                   Badges Required. Guests not permitted.

   COFFEE BREAKS                                                                            JUMP START your Conference Experience and Expand Your Professional
                                                                                            Network! Join the ECE Programming Committee for a special 1 ½ hour
   All coffee breaks will take place according to the follow schedule:                       networking experience of fun and socializing! Make new connections with
                                                                                            other early career engineers sharing similar interests and/or catch-up with
                        Morning Breaks   Afternoon Breaks                                   old friends to renew your friendships.

   Monday, August 7     9:00am–10:00am   3:40pm–4:00pm                                      See page 38 for full details.

   Tuesday, August 8    9:00am–10:00am   3:40pm–4:00pm                                      CONFERENCE RECEPTION AT THE ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME
   Wednesday, August 9  10:50am–11:00am  2:55pm–3:10pm                                                                                                   Monday at 7:00pm–9:00pm

                        9:40am–10:00am                                                                                                       Busses will begin departing from the
                                                                                                                    Lakeside Ave. entrance of convention center at 6:15pm

                                                                                            Tickets Required. Included in each Full Conference Registration.

   AWARDS LUNCHEONS                                                                         Additional or Guest Tickets may be purchased for $75.

   *One Division Awards Luncheon is included in each Full Conference                        Enjoy yourself at this year’s Conference Reception. Located on the shore
   Registration. Attendees have pre-selected a specific luncheon during the                  of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
   registration process. For those who would like to attend both luncheons,                 recognizes and archives the history of the best-known and most influential
   additional tickets may be purchased at the registration desk.                            artists, producers, engineers, and other notable figures who have had
                                                                                            some major influence on the development of rock and roll. This year’s
   COMPUTERS & INFORMATION IN ENGINEERING (CIE) AWARDS                                      reception will also include live music from Ohio’s very own Roxxymoron.
                                                                                            STUDENT NETWORKING SOCIAL AND TEAM DESIGN
                                                                 Monday, 12:00pm–2:00pm     COMPETITION
                                                                Location: Grand Ballroom B
   Tickets Required.                                                                                                                                       Tuesday, 5:40pm–7:00pm
                                                                                                                                          Location: Grand Ballroom A&B or B&C
   Additional or Guest Tickets may be purchased for $50                                     Badges Required. Guests not permitted.
                                                                                            This function is for student attendees only.
                                                                 Tuesday, 12:00pm–2:00pm    After a busy day of attending technical presentations, please join us for
                                                                                            the Student Mixer and Team Design Competition. Meet old and new friends
                                                            Location: Grand Ballroom B&C    while engaging in a 30 minute competitive design experience. Exercise
   Tickets Required.                                                                        your creativity in a team setting to win a gift card so that you can continue
                                                                                            your conversations over dinner. Refreshments will be provided and prizes
   Additional or Guest Tickets may be purchased for $50                                     are graciously sponsored by ASME’s Design Engineering Division.

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