Page 8 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Welcome Letters
The Vehicle Design Committee (VDC) promotes innovative analytical, computational, and experimental investigations in the dynamics, control,
and design of full vehicle systems, subsystems, and components. With the ever increasing demands on driving safety and autonomy, the human-
vehicle interaction, advanced driver assistance systems, and connected vehicles are included also in the technical spectrum of topics addressed
by the VDC. Our members perform fundamental and applied research, and implement technology for light/heavy vehicle design, modeling, and
The VDC is pleased to welcome you to the 19th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT) held as part of the 2017
ASME-IDETC/CIE. This year, the AVT conference will consist of 5 symposia for a total of seven sessions in the areas of: vehicle systems dynamics
and control; vehicle safety and ergonomics; vehicle design and development; vehicle electrification and powertrain; light vehicle and weight
reduction; military and commercial ground vehicle development. We sincerely appreciate the time and services of these symposium organizers.
This year, the VDC is especially honored to host Mr. Martin Jones, Motorsport Market Manager of Moog Industrial Group, in the UK for the William
Milliken Lecture. His lecture is entitled: “Tracing the Origins of the Automated ‘fly-by-wire’ Technology Used in Contemporary Formula 1 Cars”.
We are also pleased to have Professor Xin Guan of Jilin University, who holds several key positions in the automotive sector of China including
Vice President of the SAE of China and is Director of the Automotive Dynamics Branch of the National Automobile Standardization Committee.
As the AVT Keynote Speaker, he will present: “Cyber-Proving-Ground for Intelligent Vehicles on Driving Simulator.”
Two awards with $500 cash prizes each are selected based on peer reviews and award committee’s ranking from the paper submissions in this
year’s conference for the AVT Conference Best Paper and Best Student Paper. This year’s winners of the 2017 AVT Conference Best Paper and
Best Student Paper Awards are, respectively: IDETC2017-67730, “A Semi-Analytical Tire Model for the Study of Tire/Rim Interaction on a Road
Vehicle,” by Federico Ballo, Giorgio Previati, Massimiliano Gobbi, and Gianpiero Mastinu; and IDETC2017-67301, "Improvement of Harvesters for
Tires by Means of Multi-Physics Simulation,” by Alberto Doria, Cristian Mede, Daniele Desideri, Alvise Maschio, and Frederico Moro.
We hope you all enjoy this year’s AVT Conference!
Chair Program Chair Program Co-Chair
Lei Zuo Schalk Els
Virginia Tech University of Pretoria Alan Mayton
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention