Page 23 - JR0943 - Corporate Plan 2020_Eng_Web
P. 23
Strategic Aim 1: Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
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We will ensure our staff have the knowledge and skills they need to
safely deliver and develop our services. We will ensure they have
the right capabilities for the future and are representative of the
communities they serve.
Strategic Aim 2: Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
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We will improve the safety and well-being of our communities through
holistic interventions and partner engagement.
Strategic Aim 3: Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
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We continually aim to improve our working practices and activities with
consideration to our short and long term environmental impact.
We will continue to strive to reduce our carbon footprint and continue
with our research into green sustainable renewable technology for
our fleet and buildings, while looking for collaboration opportunities to
improve our impact on the environment.
Strategic Aim 4: Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
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We will identify innovative ways of enhancing and improving our
business processes and the delivery of our services to our communities.
Our Improvement and Well-being Objectives
Each year, as part of our planning process, we develop Improvement and Well-being
Objectives, designed to help us deliver against our Strategic Aims. Our Objectives tell
our staff, communities and stakeholders what benefits will be delivered to them over
the coming year.