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Cover Story                                                                                          02

         “Innovation is the ability to see change as an

         opportunity – not a threat” - Steve Jobs

         Innovation  is  not  about  boiling  the  ocean.  It’s  about
         small  things  that  make  a  big  difference.  It’s  an
         approach,   the   ability   to   embrace   change,
         underpinned  by  the  courage  to  tread  unchartered
         territory. It’s an opportunity you give yourself to set off                     Rajesh Subramaniam,
         on an adventure and be a trailblazer, leaving behind a                         Managing Director and
         legacy of your achievements.                                                   Chief Executive Officer

         Had it not been for the inherent desire to be different
         from  the  rest  -  we  would  not  have  gone  beyond
         innovations like the Telegram and the Morse Code. It’s
         good  to  follow  the  norm  but  revolutionary  ideas
         seldom  toe  the  line. Visionaries,  inventors,  explorers   Innovation is a mindset: an approach that
         and  their  ilk  traversed  unfamiliar  and  inhospitable   challenges the status quo, questions
         terrains  to  explore,  seek  answers  to  the  zillion   stereotypes and is a collective  will to
         questions whirring in their heads.
                                                                   create new pathways. I urge each one of
         This  intrinsic  drive  to  get  better  at what we  do  and   you to look at everything through a fresh
         create  new  pathways  is what  led  to  the  creation  of   lens. It’s because innovation is a gradual
         firstInnovate; a platform that provides an opportunity     synthesis of ideas, observations, evaluations
         to every Firstsourcer to showcase their creativity.
                                                                   and inferences; the more you learn and

         Innovation is not new to us at Firstsource. It has been a   absorb, the more you challenge yourself
         part  of  our  culture  and  underpins  our  corporate    to explore the unexplored, to tread the
         Values, ASPIRE.                                           ‘road not taken’
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