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03 Cover Story
What is firstInnovate? A successful idea is one that:
- Reduces cost to company
Designed in-house, the firstInnovate platform is built
- Generates revenue
on the Kaizen philosophy that enables a psychological - Leads to process efficiency
shift at an organisation level from ‘delivering value’ to
‘creating value’. While the primary purpose of the
platform is to allow idea submission and evaluation, How do we train our minds to be open?
the framework fuels the culture of innovation within
our organisation, encourages proactive engagement By urging ourselves and those around us to be on the
and ultimately enhances our performance. look out for inspiration!
A few weeks prior to the launch of firstInnovate, we
focused on messages around popular products/
concepts to stoke curiosity and create a buzz. While a
message from Rajesh officially launched firstInnovate,
danglers and posters in offices across geographies
coupled with on-ground activities, Friday fun mailers
and a firstInnovate microsite,
spread the word!
Innovation is a continuous
process, a gradual
evolution of ideas
from conception Strike it.
to fruition.
How does it work?
As a Firstsourcer, you can log on to the platform Ignite it.
and submits your ideas. There is no cap on the
number of submissions. The submitted idea goes to After stirring a pot of chemicals,
your manager for approval and once approved it is a pharmacist noticed the
either implemented immediately or sent to the Quality formation of a dried lump at
Function Teams at process or location level for the end of the mixing stick.
further review. He tried to scrape off the
dried gob and – all of a
sudden, it ignited!