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Your Wellbeing Matters                                                                               08

                        Rajesh Subramaniam,                                    Soma Pandey,
                        Managing Director and CEO                              President and CHRO

         Sometimes, all we need is someone to talk to, but we   “We  want to create an environment at Firstsource
         hesitate  to  do  so,  as  we  fear  rejection.  Lack  of   where you feel safe to talk about the challenges you
         awareness and sensitisation to the causes and        might be facing, knowing  well that  you’ll get the
         symptoms are the underlying factors. Recognising     support from your manager and team. Our focus is on
         which, Rajesh Subramaniam, Managing Director and     helping you bring your whole selves to work. Therefore,
         CEO  acknowledged the  importance of mental          we want to build awareness and take it to a place where
         wellbeing at the  workplace and launched             we are able to provide support and truly be able to say
         FitSource at the Managers Open House.                that each one of you is supported in your wellbeing,
                                                              both mental as well as physical.”

         Fundamentally, lack of education on mental wellbeing is often the reason for people passing a crass remark on
         someone’s condition, not knowing how damaging it can be! The first step is to create a healthy and open dialogue
         on mental illness and generate awareness around how to recognise the early symptoms. This led us to launch a
         campaign to sensitise all Firstsourcers on what is mental wellness and how one can reach out for help. HR teams
         across offices also initiated activities to ensure this message is well communicated.

         The Bangalore office organised sessions on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to understand stress, identify the
         symptoms, how to cope with stress and build resilience. The workshop led by Saravanan Neel from SilverOak
         Health was received well, as it sensitised Firstsourcers on mental health-related issues arising at the workplace. In
                                                                 addition,  the  Mumbai  office  participated  in  a
                                                                 Marathon to raise awareness on diseases like Breast
                Eye strain, a stiff neck                          Cancer and also held an Ergonomics session
                                                                 focussed on improving poor postures. Furthermore,
                                                                 women  colleagues  participated  in  the  5  KM
                                         The angle of your       Pinkathon to show support for an active lifestyle for
                                         computer monitor
                                                                 women and health issues that put women’s lives at
                                                                 risk: breast cancer, in particular.
                 aching wrists

                                  The height
                                  of your desk

         Ergonomics at work

                                                                          Breast Cancer awareness
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