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The Newsmakers                                                                                       10

         The Newsmakers

         Rajesh shares the frame with Narendra Modi and Theresa May

         Rajesh Subramaniam, Managing Director and CEO,        During  his  address  at the  event,  Rajesh  announced
         attended the prestigious 2018 NASSCOM TechUK i2i      Firstsource's continued commitment to its  extensive
         Forum. It was graced by both the UK Prime Minister,   operations in the UK. An Innovation Lab in London and
         Theresa May,  and  Narendra  Modi,  Prime  Minister   Centres of Excellence for Banking, Sales and Services
         of India.                                             across the UK, were a part of the growth plans.

         ‘Know  your customer’, a panel                        Soma’s take on...
         discussion moderated by Rajesh at                     In an exclusive interview with 'All Things Talent', Soma
         NASSCOM BPM Summit 2018                               spoke about redefining workplace cultures, to engage

                                                               and retain top talent in the disruptive marketplace.
         With the customer being pivotal to everything we do,
         understanding their aspirations and the challenges    In conversation  with  Aadil Bandukwala  Chief
         they face becomes critical.  The  NASSCOM panel       Evangelist of '', Soma spoke on what it takes
         discussion moderated by Rajesh dwelt on this key      for an organisation to succeed in today’s volatile world.
         aspect. Setting the context, he requested the panellists
         to share their perspectives on customer experience
         and how technology has made an impact on it.
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