Page 104 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 104

LO1    Identify the   Prewriting helps you become a better writer by
                                 advantages     opening your mind to the topic at hand, preventing
                                 of             writer’s block, building confidence, sparking

                                 prewriting.    creativity, and helping you know when a topic is
                                                not worth pursuing.
                          How can

                          prewriting help
                          you become a
                          better writer?

                          (See pp. 23–24.)

                          LO2    Use            Brainstorming, freewriting, focused freewriting,

                                 various        invisible writing, and clustering are prewriting
                                 prewriting     techniques. Outlining and journal writing are
                                 strategies.    methods of organizing and generating ideas that

                                                are also part of the prewriting process.
                          What are some
                          methods of
                          prewriting? (See

                          pp. 24–32.)

                                                    Visit Ch. 2, Preparing to Write, in
                             MyWritingLab to test your understanding of the

                             chapter objectives by completing the Post-Test.
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