Page 108 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 108
Focus on Building a Framework:
Finding Direction in Your Writing
The picture shows a sextant, a navigational instrument
invented by Isaac Newton around the turn of the eighteenth
century. This tool allowed sailors to measure a star against the
horizon to gauge where their ship was on a nautical chart.
Without a sextant, sailors had to use what they knew of the
ocean, land, and stars and hope for the best. With sextants,
sailors had a much better idea where they were and how to get
where they were going.
A thesis statement functions much like a sextant: It provides
direction to your readers so that they will know where your
essay is going. Without a thesis, both you and your readers
may feel lost in a vast ocean of words. An effective thesis
statement will ensure smooth sailing for your readers as you
guide them through your essay.