Page 129 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 129
1. A thesis without points listed allows you to state your main idea
simply and concisely.
2. A thesis without points listed works well when the points are
long and cumbersome or difficult to write in parallel structure.
3. A thesis without points listed eliminates the worry that your
topic sentences will echo the wording of your thesis too closely.
4. The thesis without points listed is considered a more advanced
technique and is more often the choice of professional
Examples of Development of Thesis
Statements without Points Listed
Following are examples of thesis statements that do not list points,
along with possible topic sentences for each body paragraph.
Example 1
Thesis: At the college level, the proper punishment for those
caught cheating is expulsion.
Topic sentences:
Body paragraph 1: Expulsion is a severe penalty that will make
potential cheaters think twice before being dishonest.