Page 134 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 134

3.  Trustworthiness, honesty, and a sense of humor are qualities I

                        look for in a friend.

                    4.  I broke off my engagement because I needed to finish college

                        before marrying, I wanted my freedom, and I was not ready for

                        a long-term commitment.

                    5.  People on public assistance should work for the money they

                        receive. Such work would prepare them for the job market, give

                        them confidence in their abilities, and give them experience that

                        would help them obtain future employment.

               Avoiding Ideas That Are Too


               Ideas that are too broad are too large to develop in a single

               paragraph. Often, they are also vague because the writer has not
               taken the time to consider exactly what the paragraph will be about.

                    Example of a Thesis Point That Is Too Broad

                      A degree in elementary education will give me a chance to work

                    at a
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