Page 404 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 404

Process Essay 1

               This essay describes a process of self-discovery as the writer

               confronts a learning disability.

                        Discovering My Abilities

                        On my report cards, my teachers used to write, “Erica

                        doesn’t apply herself” or “Erica lacks motivation.” When I

                        decided to go to college, I thought I had the motivation

                        I needed. But I still had trouble finishing what I started,
                        and I always felt frustrated, disorganized, and ten steps

                        behind the rest of the class. In desperation, I visited the

                        college’s counseling center and began a process of self-

                        discovery that turned my life around.

                        My journey to self-discovery began the day I walked into

                        the counseling center. I came in shyly, just planning to

                        pick up a few brochures. But the counselor, Dr.

                        Fordham, invited me into her office and asked me about

                        my study problems. I told her that I would start writing an
                        essay and find myself playing Solitaire on the computer.

                        I would get most of the work done on a term paper, and

                        then resistance would set in and I would find excuses

                        not to finish. I habitually lost assignment sheets, syllabi,

                        and library books. I was my own worst enemy. After we
                        had talked a bit longer, Dr. Fordham said that some of

                        the habits I mentioned could be symptoms of attention

                        deficit disorder, or ADD. I told her I did not have a
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