Page 407 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 407

3.  What were the steps the writer followed in
                                 accepting her disability?

               Process Essay 2

               A job in a bakery, an ambition to start a business, and a bit of
               observation helped the writer of this essay to learn about the process

               of pleasing a customer.

                        A Lesson in Customer Service

                        As a full-time college student majoring in business

                        administration, I have hopes of owning my own business
                        someday. As a part-time worker in a bakery, I see what

                        a hassle owning a business can be. Business owners

                        have to worry about making a profit and keeping

                        employees happy and productive. Most of all, they have

                        to worry about keeping customers, even when they can’t
                        always deliver what the customer wants. The other day, I

                        watched Herschel, our bakery manager, deal with a

                        difficult customer. Herschel’s behavior showed me how

                        to handle a customer complaint.
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