Page 117 - Introduction to Business
P. 117

CHAPTER 2    The Environment of Business  91

                              Portfolio Projects

                 Exploring Your Own Case in Point                       sider your company to be an MNE? If yes, what
                                                                        was the chosen mode of foreign venture?
                 In this chapter we focused on the setting in which busi-
                 nesses operate. We found that business is global in
                 nature, and advances in information technology are  Starting Your Own Business
                 making our world smaller all the time. Yet businesses
                                                                    After reading this chapter, your business plan should
                 are heavily influenced by domestic economic policies
                                                                    answer questions related to the global business envi-
                 as well. Answers to the following questions will enable
                                                                    ronment within which your firm will operate.
                 you to understand the surroundings in which your
                                                                     1. Where will your outputs be sold? Is your market
                 company operates.
                                                                        domestic, regional, or international? Will sales of
                  1. What economic policy goals are most important
                                                                        your output face overseas competition? If so, from
                     for your company’s successful operation?
                                                                        which countries and why? How will NAFTA and
                  2. Does your company sell any of its goods and serv-  developments in the European Union affect your
                     ices overseas? If yes, what is the percentage of   business?
                     overseas sales, and to which countries are the
                                                                     2. Will trade barriers impact your business? How?
                     products and services sold and why? Do any of
                                                                        What is your strategy for handling such situations?
                     these overseas countries impose trade barriers on
                                                                     3. What is the competitive advantage of your busi-
                     your company’s products? If yes, what types of
                                                                        ness? Is this likely to diminish over time because of
                     trade barriers?
                                                                        globalization and offshoring? Have you considered
                  3. If your company does business with foreign coun-
                     tries, what are the major currencies that it gets
                                                                     4. What aspects of domestic economic policies will
                     involved with and what type of exchange rate sys-
                                                                        likely have a negative effect on your business?
                     tem do those currencies follow?
                                                                        What strategies do you have in place to overcome
                  4. What is the type of foreign market penetration
                                                                        these challenges when they appear?
                     selected by your company? Why? Would you con-

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