Page 120 - Introduction to Business
P. 120
Business Governance,
Ethics, and Social
Introduction Learning Objectives
Business Governance Structures After studying this chapter, you should be able to
Sole Proprietorships
1 Describe the differences among sole
proprietorships, partnerships, and
Corporations corporations.
Shareholder Model of Business 2 Explain the basic roles of corporate boards
Governance of directors and officers.
Separation of Ownership and Control and
Potential Conflicts of Interest 3 Discuss the basic dynamics of the
shareholder model of business
Addressing Separation of Ownership and governance, and the problems engendered
Control-Related Conflicts of Interest
in major corporations today because of
Stakeholder Model of Business Governance the separation of ownership and control.
Businesses and Local Communities 4 Analyze different methods of solving the
Creditors problems and conflicts of interest engen-
Suppliers dered by the separation of ownership and
Distributors control in major corporations.
Customers 5 Discuss the stakeholder model of business
Employees governance.
Shareholders 6 Describe the societal responsibility model
of business governance.
Societal Responsibility Model of Business
Governance 7 Explain the basic parameters of business
Business Ethics
Defining Business Ethics 8 Discuss the development of business
codes of ethics and business ethics
Business Codes of Ethics
Dealing with Business Ethical Breaches
Penalties for Business Ethical Breaches
Business Ethics Training
Business Ethics on Campus
Careers in Business Governance, Ethics,
and Social Responsibility
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