Page 119 - Introduction to Business
P. 119

CHAPTER 2    The Environment of Business  93

                       6. Globalization does not                             c. U.S. per capita income (PPP-based GNI) is
                          a. reflect the process of eliminating trade,          greater than EU per capita income.
                            investment, cultural, and even political         d. U.S. land surface area is greater than the
                            barriers between countries.                         EU’s.
                          b. reflect the growing links among people,         e. U.S. income (nominal GNI) is less than
                            communities, and economies around the               the corresponding EU income.
                            world.                                         9. Which of the following statements is not true
                          c. make it possible for goods, services, and       regarding conducting international business?
                            capital to cross national borders.               a. A wider range of opportunities is available
                          d. allow for the movement of labor and com-           for entrepreneurs.
                            panies across international borders.             b. Firms generally refrain from entering
                          e. force countries to live in harmony and             overseas markets because of unfamiliarity
                            peace.                                              with foreign cultures and business
                       7. Regional integration does not include                 practices.
                          a. creating a large pool of consumers with         c. Conducting business internationally is
                            growing incomes and similar culture,                not rewarding, both financially and
                            tastes, and social values.                          emotionally.
                          b. encouraging economies of scale in pro-          d. The risk involved in international busi-
                            duction and increasing the level of com-            ness is greater than in domestic business.
                            petition in industries.                          e. The risk-reward tradeoff depends crucially
                          c. freeing the flow of capital and labor to the       on the type of international business
                            most productive areas.                              activity the firm chooses.
                          d. increasing cooperation, peace, and secu-     10. Which of the following is not a reason why
                            rity among member countries.                     MNEs invest abroad?
                          e. developing a common official language.          a. To seek control of essential raw materials
                       8. Which of the following statements is not true      b. To expand market and profits
                          when you compare the United States with            c. To maximize production efficiency
                          the 25-member European Union (EU)?                 d. To minimize control of their operations
                          a. The U.S. population is less than the EU         e. To have access to foreign technology and
                            population.                                         skills
                          b. U.S. income (PPP-based GNI) is less than
                            the corresponding EU income.

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