Page 344 - Introduction to Business
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318     PART 3  Marketing

                                     stays on the market less than a year? Should a product be considered a failure if it
                                     does not achieve a particular market share or level of revenues? Because of these
                                     different standards, it is best to consider a product successful if it obtains all or most
                                     of the objectives set for it by the company developing it and bringing it to market.

                                        LEARNING OBJECTIVE 5
                                        List the steps in the process for developing new products and explain how each
                                        should be performed.

        EXHIBIT 9.1                                           Steps in the New Product Development
                                         Generating new       Process.  Exhibit 9.1 shows the steps required to
        Steps in the New Product          product ideas
        Development Process                                   develop new products, steps that if performed cor-
                                                              rectly will increase the likelihood that new products
                                                              will be successful.
                                                              GENERATING NEW PRODUCT IDEAS. Companies can
                                                              look externally or internally for potential new prod-
        external source A source for new                      ucts. The market may be the most important external
        products that is located outside of a  Concept testing  source. Its new product needs should be carefully
                                                              ascertained. Lead users—the large, high-profile firms
        lead users High-profile firms in an
        industry that are good sources for new                in an industry whose business methods are often emu-
        industrial products because their                     lated by other companies—are especially good sources
                                         Business analysis
        business methods are often emulated                   for new product ideas for industrial markets. Other
        by other firms in the industry
                                                              companies’ new products should be considered, as
        technology transfer The adoption by                   well as technology in other industries, because about
        one company for the development of
        new products of a technology that  Development        50 percent of new product ideas come via technology
        originated with another company                       transfer from one company to another.
                                                                 Patent offices are good sources for new product
                                                              ideas. Individual patents can provide specific possibil-
                                             Testing          ities, and the analysis of patents over time can yield
                                                              important new product trends. Scientific and profes-
                                                              sional meetings are an external source that is often
                                                              overlooked. At such meetings, there is often an
                                        Commercialization     exchange of information that may suggest fruitful
                                                              areas for further consideration.
                                                                 Independent inventors can be a viable source for
                                     new products. Many of the truly significant inventions of the twentieth century were
                                     developed by individual inventors such as Frank Whittle (jet engine), Chester Carl-
                                     son (photocopying), and Edwin Land (Polaroid instant camera). However, compa-
                                     nies are well advised to have a structured procedure for dealing with such individu-
                                     als in order to minimize some of the legal problems that may occur involving
                                     ownership, method of payment, and so on. The developer of the modern carburetor
                                     accused one of the car companies in the early 1900s of stealing his idea. One of the
                                     three developers of the automatic inoculation gun absconded with the idea.
                                        Universities often have a unit that is responsible for developing new product
                                     ideas that can then be licensed to outside companies. One of the most successful is
                                     the one at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Venture teams, R&D per-
        internal sources Sources for new  sonnel, the marketing department, and company employees are examples of the
        products that are located within a firm
                                     internal sources for new product ideas. Venture teams are temporary units formed
        venture team A temporary group that a  to come up with new product ideas. They are made up of individuals from various
        company establishes to come up with
        new product ideas            departments who are highly regarded for their creativity.

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