Page 347 - Introduction to Business
P. 347

CHAPTER 9   Developing the Product and Pricing Mixes  321

                    In making this calculation, it is helpful to understand that because the price  EXHIBIT 9.2
                 exceeds the cost per unit by $6, every time a unit is sold, the development cost plus
                                                                                          Risk of Types of New Products
                 desired profit figure is reduced by $6; thus, in this example, it takes 100,000 units to
                                                                                          (Risk increases from bottom left to
                 totally “eliminate” the development cost and the profit desired. Once the company
                                                                                          top right)
                 knows this figure, it can estimate how long it will take to sell
                 that number of units and how likely it is that that number of           Newness to Market
                 units can be sold.                                           High                              Low
                    Two aspects of risk—how new the product is to the mar-  High
                 ket and to the company’s existing products—are dealt with
                 in Exhibit 9.2. There, six classes of products are evaluated in   New-to-                product
                 terms of risk. The least risky are cost reductions; the most     products                 lines
                 risky are new-to-world products. However, most companies
                 will look not only at risk, but will include potential profit as
                 well. These two variables are included in Exhibit 9.3.                     Additions     Improve-
                                                                                                          ments or
                    Exhibit 9.4 (on p. 322) presents six aspects of new prod-  Newness to Company’s  Existing Products  to existing  revisions to
                 ucts that affect the potential level of acceptance and the                product lines  products
                 speed at which it is achieved. Relative advantage refers to
                 how much better than competitive products the new offer-
                 ing is.  Compatibility involves the extent to which pur-
                 chasers of new products can continue to operate as they                  Reposi-        reductions
                 have in the past or how much differently they have to oper-
                 atethantheyareusedto.Productsthatarecomplexarelikely    Low
                 to use. Canasta was a card game introduced in the 1950s that never caught on,  relative advantage How much better
                 because the rules of play were so complicated. The level of purchases of personal  than competitive products a new
                                                                                          product is
                 computers increased greatly as they became easier to operate. Communicability
                                                                                          compatibility The extent to which a new
                 refers to how easy or difficult it is to convey the product’s benefits to the intended
                                                                                          product allows consumers to operate as
                 market. Products whose benefits can be easily demonstrated, such as a powerful  they have in the past
                 vacuum cleaner picking up nails and coins as well as dust, are more likely to be  communicability The ease with which it
                 accepted in the market than those whose benefits are not easy to communicate.  is possible to convey the benefits of a
                 As the cost of new products goes down, market acceptance will increase. When  new product to the market
                 four-function, handheld calculators cost $300, market acceptance was low. As  divisibility The aspect of a new product
                                                                                          that enables consumers to try it in a
                 their price dropped to as low as $4 to $5, purchases increased dramatically.  piecemeal manner without having to
                 Demand was not great for VCRs when they cost $1000; it zoomed as price dropped  purchase the entire product
                 into the $200 range. Many consumers are skeptical about new products; they do
                 not want to purchase them without first trying them out. Products that have  EXHIBIT 9.3
                 divisibility allow consumers to do this. Many bank customers were wary of using
                                                                                          The Relationship Between
                 automated teller machines (ATMs) when they were first introduced; they felt they  Risk and Profitability
                 would make mistakes or that their cards would be destroyed or
                 not returned. In order to deal with this concern, many banks                    Risk
                                                                                 High                           Low
                 allowed customers to practice using ATMs located in their lob-
                 bies, with help available if needed.                      High
                                                                                    Long shot, but
                 DEVELOPMENT. A company’s research and development (R&D)             good payoff     Definite winner
                 department has the primary responsibility for the physical devel-   if successful
                 opment of the new product. It is staffed primarily by scientists and
                 engineers, who bring their technical expertise to the new product  Profit
                 development process. It is their responsibility to turn a new product
                 idea into a finished product within time and budget constraints.                      Sure thing,
                                                                                     Definite loser   but minimum
                    Facilities for R&D may be located at company headquarters                           returns
                 or at a separate location to better stimulate the creativity of
                 R&D personnel. Companies that have a lot of business overseas  Low

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