Page 348 - Introduction to Business
P. 348

322     PART 3  Marketing

        EXHIBIT 9.4
        Six Aspects of New                        Low            Relative advantage       High
        Products That Affect Their     level of                                                    level of
        Level of Acceptance and the   acceptance                                                  acceptance
        Speed at Which It Occurs                  Low              Compatibility          High

                                                  Complex           Complexity           Simple
                                         and                                                        and
                                                  Low             Communicability         High

                                                  High                Cost                 Low
                                         Low                                                        High
                                        rate of                                                     rate of
                                        speed                                                       speed
                                                  Low               Divisibility          High

        development The step in the new  often have an R&D facility in another country to take advantage of the scientific
        product development process in which  personnel there. Another plus: Sometimes the R&D results occurring in overseas
        the design of the new product is  R&D locations can be transferred back to the United States for application to the
        finalized (p. 321)
                                     domestic market. Such was the case with the European R&D operation of Ford
                                     Motor Company and the Ford Escort, which was developed initially for the Euro-
                                     pean market.
                                        Companies have to decide on R&D budgets and allocate dollars to specific
                                     projects. A major decision is how much to spend on applied and basic research.
        applied research Research designed to  Applied research has as its objective the solving of specific problems. For example,
        achieve a specific objective  a pharmaceutical firm might be developing specific drugs to help cure cancer.
        basic research Research whose aim is  Basic research is research for the capturing of knowledge now, with no immediate
        to obtain knowledge with no specific,  payoff expected, although a payoff down the road is hoped for. The same firm that
        immediate payoff in mind

        Technicians inspect computer
        discs at an R&D facility in Taiwan.

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